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您失去了工作 您生病或需要隔离 您需要照顾病人 您是一个工作的父母但需要留在家里照顾孩子

加拿大紧急救援补助金 (CERB)将在您遇到困难时帮助您:





加拿大紧急救援补助金 (CERB)将涵盖平时不符合就业保险的群体,包括:







来源: 加拿大财政部


2020年3月25日- 安大略省渥太华 - 加拿大财政部


为了支持工作人士并帮助企业保持雇佣他们的雇员,政府计划出台立法,设立加拿大紧急救援补助金(Canaa Emergency Response Benefit,CERB)。这一税前补助可以为因COVID-19大流行失去收入的工作人士提供每个月2000加元,最长可达四个月的帮助。CERB将会比此前的紧急照顾补助(Emergency Care Benefit)与紧急支持补助(EmergencySupport Benefit),更加便利,并更加容易获得。




目前,已经获得常规就业保险与疾病保险补助的加拿大人将会持续得到这些补助,他们不再应该申请CERB。如果他们的就业保险在2020年10月3日前结束,并且他们因为COVID-19无法回到工作岗位上,他们可以在就业保险停止后申请CERB。已经申请就业保险,但申请还没有被申核的人士将无需再次申请。对于符合领取常规就业保险与疾病保险补助资格的加拿大人,如果在CERB涵盖的16周后,依旧处于失业状态,他们将依旧能够获得他们常规的就 业保险补助。

联邦政府正在努力帮助加拿大民众尽快获得更多的资金。申请CERB的网络服务将会在四月上旬上线。能够获得就业保险,并失去工作的加拿大民众,以及申请其他就业保险补助的加拿大民众,可以通过这个 链接 继续申请。





  • 比尔·莫尔诺,财政部长

“通过加拿大 紧急 救援 补助 金 ,加拿大政府将会帮助那些由于COVID-19大流行而无法工作的民众。在这些艰难的时刻,加拿大民众不应该需要在保护他们的健康,与继续支持他们的家人之间做出选择。我们意识到了这一点,我们将会为他们提供帮助。”

  • 卡拉·夸尔特罗就业、劳动力发展、与残障人士融合部长

“联邦政府认识到COVID-19疫情对全体加拿大民众带来了巨大的影响。通过加拿大 紧急 救援 补助 金 ,我们将为由于COVID-19而失去收入的民众,提供十分需要的经济支持。加拿大国家税务局正在做出重要的行动,确保加拿大民众尽快、高效地获得补助款项。”

  • 黛安·莱布特希里,国家税务部长

Governmentintrouces Canaa Emergency Response Benefit

to help workersan businesses

From:Departmentof Finance Canaa News releaseMarch 25, 2020 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canaa The Government of Canaa is taking strong, immeiate an effective action to protect Canaians an the economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 panemic. No Canaian shoul have to choose between protecting their health, putting foo on the table, paying for their meication or caring for a family member. To support workers an help businesses keep their employees, the government has propose legislation to establish the Canaa Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit woul provie $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 panemic. The CERB woul be a simpler an more accessible combination of the previously announce Emergency Care Benefit an Emergency Support Benefit. The CERB woul cover Canaians who have lost their job, are sick, quarantine, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19, as well as working parents who must stay home without pay to care for chilren who are sick or at home because of school an aycare closures. The CERB woul apply to wage earners, as well as contract workers an self-employe iniviuals who woul not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). Aitionally, workers who are still employe, but are not receiving income because of isruptions to their work situation ue to COVID-19, woul also qualify for the CERB. This woul help businesses keep their employees as they navigate these ifficult times, while ensuring they preserve the ability to quickly resume operations as soon as it becomes possible. The EI system was not esigne to process the unpreceente high volume of applications receive in the past week. Given this situation, all Canaians who have cease working ue to COVID-19, whether they are EI-eligible or not, woul be able to receive the CERB to ensure they have timely access to the income support they nee. Canaians who are alreay receiving EI regular an sickness benefits as of toay woul continue to receive their benefits an shoul not apply to the CERB. If their EI benefits en before October 3, 2020, they coul apply for the CERB once their EI benefits cease, if they are unable to return to work ue to COVID-19. Canaians who have alreay applie for EI an whose application has not yet been processe woul not nee to reapply. Canaians who are eligible for EI regular an sickness benefits woul still be able to access their normal EI benefits, if still unemploye, after the 16-week perio covere by the CERB. The government is working to get money into the pockets of Canaians as quickly as possible. The portal for accessing the CERB woul be available in early April. EI eligible Canaians who have lost their job can continue to apply for EI here, as can Canaians applying for other EI benefits. Canaians woul begin to receive their CERB payments within 10 ays of application. The CERB woul be pai every four weeks an be available from March 15, 2020 until October 3, 2020. This benefit woul be one part of the government’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, to support Canaian workers an businesses an help stabilize the economy by helping Canaians pay for essentials like housing an groceries, an helping businesses pay their employees an bills uring this unpreceente time of global uncertainty. Quotes “We know that people are worrie about their health, their jobs an their financial situations. Our government is oing whatever it takes to protect the health an safety of Canaians, an to support workers, families an businesses. The Canaa Emergency Response Benefit woul make sure that money gets in the hans of workers as quickly as possible to support them in their time of nee, an woul help businesses keep their employees uring this ifficult perio. Canaians can rest assure that the government stans reay to take any an all necessary actions as we continue to confront these challenging times together.” - Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance “Through the Canaa Emergency Response Benefit, the Government of Canaa woul be helping support those Canaians who are unable to work ue to the COVID-19 panemic. It is uring these ifficult times that Canaians shoul not have to choose between protecting their health an continuing to support their families. We recognize this, an are there for them.” - Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development an Disability Inclusion “The government unerstans that the outbreak of COVID-19 is having a significant impact on all Canaians. Through the Canaa Emergency Response Benefit, we woul provie much-neee financial support to those who have lost their income because of COVID-19. The Canaa Revenue Agency is playing an important role by getting benefit payments to Canaians quickly an efficiently.” - Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue

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