水利工程专业培养培养面向水利行业,能从事中小型灌区的规划设计、工程施工及运行管理、各类节水技术的推广应用、大中型水利工程管理等方面工作的高等技术应用性人才。 主干课程:工程制图及CAD、 工程力学、工程测量、工程水力计算、工程地质与土力学、工程水文及水利计算、建筑材料、水工钢筋混凝土结构、水工建筑物 、灌溉与排水工程技术、水利工程施工与概预算、水利工程经济、水利工程管理、顶岗实习等。
1 建筑 / 建材 / 工程
2 房地产
3 环保
4 专业服务 ( 咨询、人力资源、财会 )
5 电气 / 电气 / 电力 / 水利
6 新能源
7 其他行业
8 广告
Geospatial Sciences (Hyrographic Surveying) MSc , £28,530 (FT) ,
The Geospatial Sciences (Hyrographic Surveying) MSc teaches stuents the theory, tools an techniques for working with geospatial ata in the marine environment, from acquisition to processing an analysis. Stuents have the opportunity to engage an work with acaemics an inustrial partners on cutting-ege research through seminars an a issertation.
MSc Hyrology an Water Resources Management ,
Hyrology is concerne with assessment of the natural istribution of water in time an space, an with evaluating the impact of manmae changes on the istribution an quality of this water. Applie hyrology has traitionally been concerne with floos an water resources. However, hyrologists are increasingly focusing on the problems of pollutant transport in surface water, soils an grounwaters, an wier issues such as the effects of lan use an climate change. Hyrology is strongly multiisciplinary, an this course inclues a basic treatment of relevant physical an life sciences, mathematical sciences, an systems analysis. MSc Hyrology an Business Management Hyrology is concerne with assessment of the natural istribution of water in time an space, an with evaluating the impact of manmae changes on the istribution an quality of this water. Applie hyrology has traitionally been concerne with floos an water resources. However, hyrologists are increasingly focusing on the problems of pollutant transport in surface water, soils an grounwaters, an wier issues such as the effects of lan use an climate change. Hyrology is strongly multiisciplinary, an this course inclues a basic treatment of relevant physical an life sciences, mathematical sciences, an systems analysis.
MSc Water an Environmental Management, £23,900,
This MSc provies skills an knowlege to support your career in the fiel of water an environmental management. The content of the programme has been esigne to help you evelop a etaile knowlege of funamental environmental processes, as well as policy, regulation an other tools. A key focus is on how you can contribute to sustainable management of water resources an other aspects of environmental management. Teaching covers both acaemic an practical skills. Teaching staff inclue leaing water an environment researchers at the University of Bristol as well as practitioners with experience in private an government sectors, both in the UK an overseas.
Moes of elivery of the MSc Lan an Hyrographic Surveying inclue lectures, practical exercises, an hans-on experience with state-of-the art equipment an software. Inclue is a weeklong surveying fiel course, which consoliates practical skills. The programme inclues several irect contributions from inustry an opportunities to participate in inustry-le events. In aition, the MSc project supports the application of knowlege an skills evelope, applie either in an applie surveying task or in researching a specific topic.
Moes of elivery of the MSc in Sustainable Water Environments inclue lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory practical classes, computing workshops an fielwork. You will take part in a resiential fiel class in Scotlan uring Semester 1 to evelop skills in the operation an analysis of water environment monitoring methos an technologies.
In the final part of the programme, you will unertake a research project which will be supervise by a member of staff who teaches on the MSc programme.
Each course is assesse separately. Example assessment methos are analytical reports, examinations, oral presentations, blog posts, pocasts an policy briefing ocuments.
MScWater Engineering , £23,750 ,
Our large multiisciplinary water research group rives our research-le teaching an moule content. You’ll cover essential engineering principles like flui mechanics, chemistry, hyrology, applie hyrogeology, hyraulic engineering, coastal engineering an computational methos, an have the opportunity to atten lectures with leaing inustry experts an use commercial software an moelling tools. We collaborate with inustry an other prestigious universities all over the worl on challenging problems in water supply an environmental protection. The course will prepare you for work in areas such as the water inustry, sustainable urban evelopment, floo an environmental management.
Hyrogeology MSc , £23,310 ,
Our Hyrogeology Msc offers comprehensive training in the theory an practice of grounwater science an engineering, with a split registration option that allows the course to be taken over two years. The autumn term inclues a week of fielwork, an stuents will also atten a national research conference.
River Environments an their Management MSc , £23,310 ,
This course will examine the interactions between climate, hyrology, geomorphology, ecology, biogeochemical cycling, water an habitat quality an bioiversity. Using a combination of lectures, fielwork, tutorials, laboratory classes, group projects an an iniviual research-base thesis, you will be provie with the necessary training an skills for a career in the successful environmental management of rivers. River systems are uner ever increasing pressure through the growing emans of water abstraction an hyroelectric power generation, an suffer recurrent isturbance through iffuse an point source pollutants, rought, flooing an channel moification.
93 River Basin Dynamics an Management with Geographical Information Systems MSc , £22,750 ,
River basins are of funamental importance to the worl’s population, meaning that research training in water ynamics an management are in high eman by both inustry an acaemia. The University of Lees has a worl-class reputation for water-relate research an GIS evelopment in an environmental context an our River Basin Dynamics an Management MSc buils on that success. Core components of the programme are river basin hyrology an basic environmental GIS. Stuents will gain avance knowlege an skills in channel hyraulics an seiment transport, river ecology an environmental assessment.Stuents will also be able to gain an avance knowlege an skills in GIS for environment, GIS programming an igital image analysis an remote sensing. This highly practical course avocates 'learning by oing' an is assesse 100% by coursework. We host guest lecturers from business, inustry an acaemia, visit work places an conuct a series of fiel, laboratory an PC-base practicals. You also have the chance to o a work placement.
97 MSc Water Resources Management , £23,136 ,
Highly skille water scientists an engineers are vital for the conservation an enhancement of our aquatic environment, both locally an globally. The MSc Water Resources Management course provies grauates with the ability to accurately assess the potential an existing impacts on the water environment from inustrial practices, abstraction, an agriculture. This masters egree focuses on eveloping the professional skills an avance knowlege require for a rewaring career as a water focuse environmental scientist.