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The fast evelopment of Internet fuels the igital revolution an encourages acaemia an inustry to recognise that successful systems evelopment will greatly improve work efficiency an reuce cost. My unergrauate major is Material Forming an Control Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. The components we can esign are of significance to automobile manufacturing, transportation an aerospace inustry. The programme of MSc Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College Lonon allows stuents to evelop their abilities in subjects such as numerical analysis an signal processing, which are useful in all areas of mechanical engineering an are associate with the application of computers in engineering practice. Thus, this course will better prepare me for my future career by equipping me with skills an knowlege most-in-eman in toay’s society characterise by information technology. This explains why I am applying for the master egree in your prestigious university.



In September 2015, I was fortunately amitte into Tongji University, majoring in Civil Engineering with the orientation of geotechnical engineering. I have learne a lot of curricula that relate to earth sciences like Tectonics, Petrology an Volcanology as well as Geophysics. So I have lai basic founation in my future stuy of earth science. Since commencement of my unergrauate program, I have become all the more stuious to acquire more knowlege of mathematics moeling, numerical analyzing, programming, etc., which has been applie to a practice an consoliate by the practice. In the secon semester of my junior year, the chance for the practice came when I was qualifie enough to enter a scientific an technological innovation project after passing the repeate screening an various examinations an tests. The project was about application of 3D igital image reconstruction technologies on rock excavation face to the construction of highway tunnels in western area.During the practice, combining with the geological conitions an rilling information in the tunnel construction site, I was mainly involve in utilizing igital image technology to set up the fine 3D igital moel of jointe rock mass in tunnel surrouning rocks an put forwar the rational an fast iscontinuous eformation analysis to analyze the stability of the surrouning rock of the tunnel. During this process, I emonstrate the soli mathematics founation, religious logic analyze capacity, an goo communication skills.This practice enowe me with rich experience in mathematical moeling an programming.

最后,在收尾段落里大家需要写一下自己的职业规划,比如说如果我们就读了研究生的话, 我们以后的发展方向是?再就业里的目标岗位是?也可以更细节一些,如三年规划,五年规划等等。当然了,也要说一下我们选择这个学校的理由,并表述一下自己对自己的期望~


I fully appreciate the motto of Lonon School of Economics an Political Science, To Unerstan the Cause of Things, which, from my point of view, is tightly in connection with my attitue towars acaemic stuy an life. Maintaining an extraorinarily intense passion for stuy, I am fon of tirelessly pursuing knowlege an conucting miscellaneous researches. Stuying in Lonon School of Economics an Political Science, I will enjoy a kin of iverse an free acaemic atmosphere, selecting the courses an professors I am particularly intereste in an arranging for my stuy all by myself. There is no oubt that such kin of regulations can enhance my inepenent ways of thinking, as well as problem-solving an communication capacity simultaneously. The Human Resource Management (HRM) stream of MSc Human Resource an Organisations offers abunant HR-relate career courses, among which I am particularly intereste in Human Resource Management Skills an Practitioner Speaker series, Human Rights in the Workplace an Rewar Systems: Key Moels an Practices. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you can take my application into favorable consieration.

在留学过程中,除了国家选择外,学生和家长也看重的另一个问题就是如何选择一个专业的留学服务公司为孩子量身定制专属于学生的留学方案,金吉列出国留学咨询服务有限公司成立于 1999 年,隶属于北京金吉列企业集团。金吉列企业集团是中国 500 家最大私营企业之一; 2000 年 1 月 15 日获得了 教育部 、 公安部 和国家工商行政管理局的首批资格认证。 国家资质:国家首批获得教育部、公安部和国家工商行政管理总局资质认定的自费留学服务机构。 3.15 荣誉:留学行业首家荣获中国消费者协会 3.15 标志信誉认证,首家留学行业内连续两届荣获 “3.15” 标志,全国唯一诚信企业奖牌获得者,北京市消费者满意单位。 专业咨询:海归背景顾问打造留学设计方案, 99.1% 成功率。拥有 23 位前驻外大使、教育参赞专家团,拥有多年海外工作经验 , 洞悉中外教育体制 , 深谙院校申请规律 , 把握签证申请策略。 成功案例量:每年向数十万个家庭提供咨询服务,每年成功向国外输送六万余名留学生,并一直保持着较高的签证成功率。 管理体系:率先实施现代管理模式,率先通过 ISO9001 国际质量管理体系认证,以科学的管理持续改进公司的服务质量。独家研发 CRM 留学业务管理系统。


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