众所周知,出国留学选择一个合适的专业是非常重要的,对于那些将来想从事公共政策研究,政府事业咨询等工作的学生来说,公共政策专业是一个非常好的选择。英国很多大学都有开设公共政策专业,一般分为MPA和MPP两种,那么好多学生会问到MPA和MPP的区别是什么?应该怎么选择? 美嘉留学佛山小美整理了一些英国公共政策专业的介绍及院校推荐,希望给大家一些指导。
MPA(Master of Public Aministration)公共管理硕士
我们以University of Exeter的MPA为例,看一下该专业的课程描述和培养目标:
The MPA is relevant whether you are working in local, regional, or central government, or for a charity or public-private partnership. It aresses some of the key issues facing the public sector such as effective leaership, financial crisis management, anticipating an responing to change, performance management, governance an ethical practice, risk an ecision-making an sustainability.
MPP(Master of Public Policy)公共政策硕士
The MPP is a one-year taught egree course. The MPP is a egree for professionals that trains people to hone their skills in policymaking an analysis. It enables you to evelop analytical an critical skills relevant for unerstaning the challenges of public policy an its implementation. It also equips you with skills that are essential for effective policy elivery.
University of Oxfor
开设专业:Master of Public Policy
Lonon School of Economics an Political Science (LSE)
开设专业:Master of Public Aministration、Master of Public Policy an Aministration、
University College Lonon (UCL)
开设专业:Global Public Policy an Management EMPA、Master of Public Policy、MPA Public Aministration an Management
University of Einburgh
开设专业:Master of Public Policy
University of Birmingham
开设专业:Master of Public Management
University of Bristol
开设专业:Master of Public Policy
University of Lees
开设专业:Master of Public Aministration
University of Exeter
开设专业:Master of Public Aministration
University of Southampton
开设专业:Master of Public Aministration
University of East Anglia
开设专业: MA Public Policy an Public Management