众所周知,美国大学在录取中,非常注重学生的领导力,尤其是加州大学,直接在 8篇文书题目中的第一篇,特意指出描述你有领导力的经历,原题目如:Describe an example of your leaership experience in which you have positively influence others, helpe resolve isputes, or contribute to group efforts over time.那么领导力( leaership) 到底是什么呢?如果还想了解更多,可以直接拨打柯老师电话或者点击“线上咨询”。
那么领导力( leaership) 到底是什么呢?
Havar对优秀的申请人品质的描述:”maturity, character, leaership, self-confience, warmth of personality, sense of humor, energy, concern for others an grace uner pressure.” ( 成熟、人品、领导力、自信、温暖、幽默、充满能量、体及他人以及临危不乱 )。
“We are looking for stuents we can help to become the leaers of their generation in whatever they wish to pursue.” (我们寻找的是我们可以帮助其,在某个领域成为这一代人的先锋和领袖)。
“We look for stuents who make a ifference in their schools an communities, so tell us about your leaership activities, interests, special skills an other extracurricular involvements.” ( 我们寻找的是可以给学校和社会带来改变的人 ,所以请告诉我们你的领导力活动、兴趣、特长以及其他课外的活动)
文理学院 Wesleyen
To be a “contributor” to a chess club is to be merely average; to be presient of that chess club, by contrast, is to isplay some intangible merit. (成为象棋俱乐部的“贡献者”之一仅仅只是一般; 然而成为象棋俱乐部的主席则是无形的价值。 )
Wesleyen的招生官说道 “A 9 [out of 9] at Wesleyan…someone ‘sure to “have significant impact on campus in leaership roles”; a 7 or 6 woul be assigne to someone who was “likely to be a leaer in some areas, contributor to many.” (我们打分的时候,能获得9分满分的是在校园中具有领导力才能和有影响力的人;一个7分或者6分的人可能在某个特定领域有可能成为引领者,但大部分时候是一个追随者)。
Tufts University塔夫斯大学
塔夫斯大学前招生主任说到, “stuents shoul be amitte to college on the basis of their potential for future leaership an active citizenship, at whatever level of society” (学生的录取应该基于 他们无论处于社会的哪个层次都体现成为未来领袖和活跃的公民的潜质 )。
他认为领导力 “not in the sense of achieving a level of authority, but rather as making a positive, meaningful, an hopefully enuring ifference to the worl at some level” (不是就获取权威而言, 而是对这个世界作出积极的有意义的以及深远影响里的事情 )。