NIC国际学院预科课程可衔接卡斯尔大学所有本科一年级课程, 学院包括:
Business & Law
-工商学士 Bachelor of Business 62
-商务学士 Bachelor of Commerce 65
-工商学士/商务学士 Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Commerce 70
-工商学士/创新与创业学士 Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Innovation an Entrepreneurship 75
-商务学士/创新与创业学士 Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Innovation an Entrepreneurship 75
-文学学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-工商学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-传媒学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-发展学学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-理学学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-社会学学士/法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Social Science / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-发展学学士/全球原住民文化研究学士 Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Global inigenous Stuies 80
Eucation & Art
-文学学士 Bachelor of Arts 62
-文学学士/理学学士 Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science 78
-文学学士/创新与创业学士 Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Innovation an Entrepreneurship 55
-传媒学士 Bachelor of Communication 62
-创意产业学士 Bachelor of Creative Inustries 62
-创意产业学士/创新与创业学士 Bachelor of Creative Inustries / Bachelor of Innovation an Entrepreneurship 65
-教育学学士(学前与小学教育)Bachelor of Eucation (Early Chilhoo an Primary) 62
-教育学学士(小学教育)Bachelor of Eucation (Primary) 62
-教育学学士(中学教育)Bachelor of Eucation (Seconary) 62
-音乐学士 Bachelor of Music (Auition Require) 55 (需提交作品集)
-音乐学士 / 文学学士 Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Arts 55 (需提交作品集)
-自然历史插画学士 Bachelor of Natural History Illustration 65
-社会科学学士 Bachelor of Social Science 62
-社会工作学士(荣誉学士) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) 70
-言语治疗学学士 (荣誉学士)Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) 78
-视觉传播设计学士 Bachelor of Visual Communication Design 62
-全球原住民文化研究学士 Bachelor of Global Inigenous Stuies 61.35
(详细问题请电话联系老师: 1771 0313 295 )
-计算机科学学士 Bachelor of Computer Science 78
-建筑管理学士(建造)(荣誉学士)Bachelor of Construction Management (Builing) (Honours) 62
-设计学学士(建筑设计)Bachelor of Design (Architecture) 80
-化学工程学士(荣誉学士) Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) 80
-化学工程学士(荣誉学士)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-化学工程学士(荣誉学士)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics 84
-化学工程学士(荣誉学士)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Science 84
-土木工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) 80
-土土木工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-土土木工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 环境工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) 84
-土土木工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics 84
-土土木工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 测量学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Surveying (Honours) 84
-计算机系统工程学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) 84
-计算机系统工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 计算机科学学士 Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Computer Science 84
-计算机系统工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-计算机系统工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics 84
-计算机系统工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Science 84
-电子与电气工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) 80
-电子与电气工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-电子与电气工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 计算机系统工程学士(荣誉学位) Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) 84
-电子与电气工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics 84
-电子与电气工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Seience 84
-环境工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) 80
-环境工程学士(荣誉学位)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Science 84
-机械工程学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) 80
-机械工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-机械工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathmatics 84
-机械工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Science 84
-机械工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 机电工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) 84
-机电工程学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) 80
-机电工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 84
-机电工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 电气与电子工程学士(荣誉学位) Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Electrical an Electronic Engineering (Honours) 84
-机电工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 数学学士 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Mathematics 84
-机电工程学士 (荣誉学位)/ 理学学士 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Science 84
-医学工程学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Meical Engineering (Honours) 84
-软件工程学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) 80
-信息技术学士 Bachelor of Information Technology 62
-信息技术学士 / 工商学士 Bachelor of Information Technology / Bachelor of Business 70
-测量学学士 (荣誉学位)Bachelor of Surveying (Honours) 80
-测量学学士 (荣誉学位)/ 工商学士 Bachelor of Surveying (Honours) / Bachelor of Business 80
-可再生能源工程学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Renewable Energy Engineering (Honours) 80
Meical Science
-生物医学学士 Bachelor of Biomeical Science 78
-医学放射科学学士(荣誉学士)(放射诊断学) Bachelor of Meical Raiation Science (Diagnostic Raiography) (Honours) 90
-医学放射科学学士(荣誉学士)(核医学)Bachelor of Meical Raiation Science (Nuclear Meicine) (Honours) 78
-医学放射科学学士(荣誉学士)(放射疗法)Bachelor of Meical Raiation Science (Raiation Therapy) (Honours) 78
-营养与饮食学学士 (荣誉学士)Bachelor of Nutrition an Dietetics (Honours) 84
-护理学学士 Bachelor of Nursing 70 (IELTS 7.0 of each ban)
-职业治疗学士(荣誉学士)Bachelor of Nutrition an Dietetics (Honours) 84
-口腔健康治疗学士 Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy 84
-药学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) 84
-足病学学士 Bachelor of Poiatry 78
-物理治疗学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) 90
-公共与社区健康学士 Bachelor of Public an Community Health 65
-文学学士 / 理学学士 Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science 78
-生物技术学士 Bachelor of Biotechnology 65
-发展学学士 Bachelor of Development Stuies 80
-发展学学士 / 法学学士(荣誉学位)Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 84
-发展学学士 / 工商学士 Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Business 80
-发展学学士 / 社会科学学士 Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Social Science 80
-发展学学士 / 全球原住民文化研究学士 Bachelor of Development Stuies / Bachelor of Global inigenous Stuies 80
-环境科学与管理学士 Bachelor of Environment Science an Management 62
-环境科学与管理学士 / 工商学士 Bachelor of Environment Science an Management / Bachelor of Business 70
-运动与体育科学学士 Bachelor of Exercise an Sport Science 70
-食品科学与人类营养学学士 Bachelor of Foo Science an Human Nutrition 62
-食品科学与人类营养学学士 / 工商学士 Bachelor of Foo Science an Human Nutrition / Bachelor of Business 65
-数学学士 Bachelor of Mathematics 80
-数学学士 / 计算机科学学士 Bachelor of Mathematics / Bachelor of Computer Science 80
-数学学士 / 理学学士 Bachelor of Mathematics / Bachelor of Science 84
-高等数学学士 Bachelor of Mathematics (Avance) 95
-心理科学学士 Bachelor of Psychological Science 62
-高等心理科学学士 Bachelor of Psychological Science (Avance) 95
-理学学士 Bachelor of Science 62
-理学学士 / 法学学士 Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws 90
-理学学士 / 创新与创业学士 Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Innovation an Entrepreneurship 84
-高等理学学士 Bachelor of Science (Avance) 95
-海岸与海洋科学学士 Bachelor of Coastal an Marine Science 62