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Kira是一个叫Kira Talent的公司的产品。

官方的介绍是这样的,「Kira Talent is a Web-base, best-of-bree vieo interviewing platform that allows you to streamline your company's hiring efforts. 」

也就是说,这是一个最初为了简化公司招聘而生的vieo interview平台。卖点是自定义和快速的review功能。公司可以设置面试问题以及回答时间,便捷的review功能又可以迅速将caniates的面试vieo分类成yes, maybe, no。

被学校用来做amission interview的就是这样一个软件。


那么,学校用Kira interview的这种方式,到底是想考察申请人的一些能力呢?


而且,有心人一定会发现,这个interview并不是所有申请人都一定需要的。绝大多数学校是only for international stuents的。

可想而知,这不就是在测试英语沟通能力和口语表达能力吗?而且由于时间限制,一般一道题是45-60秒之内的回答时间,根据每个学校自己的设定不同,在有一定的英语口语表达能力的基础上, 简洁、逻辑性、清晰 ,也是考察的重点。

英语沟通能力中,口语是一方面,还有一个是写作。所以,也有部分学校,会在Kira interview的题目中加入1个写作题,可能也只有5分钟答题时间。


  1. Tell me about yourself. (Open-ene question)
  2. Why o you want to come to Wake Forest? / Why are you intereste in Wake Forest University? (Know REALLY specific reasons why you want to atten. Give examples)
  3. What o you like to o outsie of school? / What outsie activities are you involve in?
  4. What o you like to o for fun?/ What o you o in your spare time? (NEVER say something like "Hang out with my friens")
  5. What books have you rea lately that have not been assigne to you in school?
  6. What o you think you woul to o in the future? / What o you see yourself oing in the future?
  7. What woul you want to get involve in if you get in to Wake Forest? (Research the
    clubs an sports at WF, an mention one or two of those an why)
  8. Both acaemically an personally, what are your greatest strengths? Or greatest
    weaknesses? (Use specific examples)
  9. What's your worst subject? What's your best? Why?
  10. What woul you change about your school if you coul?
  11. What woul you contribute to Wake Forest?
  12. What are you intereste in stuying? Why?
  13. How woul your friens escribe you?
  14. What makes you ifferent from most people you know?
  15. Who is the most influential person in your life an why?
  16. What challenges or obstacles have you overcome an what have you learne from them?
  17. What is your favorite book? / What is your top five favorite books? (List an explain why they are interesting to you)
  18. What book have you rea recently that you woul tout as a "must rea" to your friens?
  19. If you gave a Te Talk, what woul it be about?
  20. How woul Wake Forest help you accomplish what you want to achieve? (Be specific about the particular course/subject/research/project/professor an etc. that you believe will help you make your reams come true at WFU)
  21. If there were five stuents competing for the same seat in a class, what woul be your sales pitch to the professor for letting you take it?
  22. Tell us your favorite joke.
  23. How is your generation ifferent from the previous generation?
  24. What motivates you?
  25. Name a class you have taken that has change the way you think.
  26. With so much information on the Internet, why get an eucation on a college campus?
  27. There are so many famous universities in China. Why o you want to stuy abroa?
  28. What questions o you have about Wake Forest?


1) They may also ask about what current events you follow, favorite subjects, what you're involve in at school, high school curriculum, activities, ifficult situations you’ve been in, what you want to o at wake, your family, an who you look up to.

2) If you ha a million ollars what woul you spen it on?

3) If a box was sent to your house, what woul you want in it?


  • How o you work uner pressure?
  • What is your greatest strength an weakness?
  • If we aske a close frien or family member to escribe you, what woul they say?
  • What oes “leaership” mean to you?
  • What professional skills o you excel in?
  • What i you have for lunch/inner?
  • What is your best achievement?
  • Describe a recent ream you ha.
  • Do you agree that most people act out of altruism rather than self interest?
  • Tell me about something funny that happene to you recently.
  • Tell us about a time your ha to collaborate with others. What qualities o you think are neee for strong teamwork to take place?
  • How o you effectively prioritize when face with multiple important tasks at once?
  • What is your most significant accomplishment?
  • Tell us about a time when you ha to efen an unpopular iea or opinion. How i you make your voice hear, an what was the outcome?
  • What is your strategy when face with a ecision that must be mae quickly?
  • Tell us something about yourself that isn’t in your application materials.
  • What three terms woul you use to efine yourself?
  • Who is your role moel?
  • Tell us about your greatest strength. How have you evelope this strength an how has it helpe you succee?
  • What factors contribute to your ecision to apply for a seat in this program? tell us about your top three.
  • Please tell me about an experience where you lea a team that consiste of a group of very ifferent iniviuals. What i you o to lea the team to accomplish the objective, an what was the outcome?
  • Outsie of school an work, to what activity o you eicate most of your time? Why is this important to you?
  • Which o you prioritize, social responsibility or profit? Why o you think one shoul be prioritize over the other (i.e., take a position an efen it)?
  • Tell us about a time when you ha to come to a compromise with a colleague.
  • How woul you explain social meia (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to someone 80 years ol?
  • What is the last book you rea?/What is the most playe song on your computer?/What is the last movie you saw?/Etc.
  • Tell me about a time when you went out of your way to help someone who wasn’t a frien or family member. 相信大家对Kira面试已经有了一个大致的了解,如果有任何关于Kira面试的问题也欢迎来咨询我哦。
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