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School of Architecture建筑学院

  • 1st in the UK for architecture (The Guarian University Guie 2019) 英国建筑第一名(卫报大学指南2019)
  • 3r in the UK for architecture (Times Goo University Guie 2019, The Complete University Guie 2019)英国第三名(泰晤士报2019年优秀大学指南,2019年完整大学指南)

Come to Sheffiel an join some of the best architecture stuents in the UK - our stuents have won prizes at the RIBA Stuent Awars an the Royal Acaemy Summer Show. They've been shortliste in the European Architecture Meals an the Inspiring Grauate Awars. Our staff are oing worl-class research, helping to make the school a leaer in our fiel across the UK an internationally. 来谢菲尔德吧,加入英国最优秀的建筑系学生的行列——我们的学生在英国皇家建筑学院学生奖和皇家学院夏季展中获奖。它们曾入围欧洲建筑奖和鼓舞人心的研究生奖。我们的员工正在进行世界级的研究,帮助学校成为我们在英国乃至国际领域的领导者。

We believe in architecture that makes a ifference. We know that it has the potential to improve the lives of those who inhabit an use it. Through our internationally acclaime teaching an research, we explore the social, spatial an environmental implications of architecture. As a Sheffiel stuent, you will engage with real issues affecting the built environment. 我们相信建筑能带来改变。我们知道,它有可能改善居住和使用它的人的生活。通过我们国际知名的教学和研究,我们探索建筑的社会、空间和环境影响。作为谢菲尔德的一名学生,你将会接触到影响建筑环境的实际问题。

We encourage you to explore ieas an collaborate with other stuents. Through group tutorials an peer review you'll learn how to express your opinions, an value the opinions of others. Sheffiel has a strong stuio culture. It's the perfect place to evelop your personality as a esigner. 我们鼓励你探索想法,并与其他学生合作。通过小组教程和同行评审,你将学会如何表达你的观点,并重视他人的观点。谢菲尔德有很强的工作室文化。这是一个完美的地方来发展你的个性作为一个设计师。

We provie a balance of theory, esign work an professional experience. We have a strong esign stuio culture. The stuio acts as a laboratory for trialling your creative an critical ieas, an for eveloping funamental architectural skills. You'll share ieas uring group tutorials an review other stuents' work. This encourages you to express your own opinion an to value the opinions of others, as you begin to evelop your personality as a esigner. 我们提供理论、设计工作和专业经验的平衡。我们拥有强大的设计工作室文化。工作室就像一个实验室,测试你的创造性和批判性的想法,并开发基本的架构技能。你将在小组辅导中分享想法,并复习其他学生的作业。这鼓励你表达自己的意见,并重视他人的意见,因为你开始发展自己的个性作为一个设计师。
Department of Lanscape Architecture景观建筑学系
Lanscape architecture is about the esign, planning an management of places that benefit people an nature. Lanscape architects create spaces between builings that are both inspirational an functional. If you have a flair for creativity an a passion for improving the environment an people's lives, then lanscape architecture coul be for you. 景观设计是对有益于人类和自然的地方进行设计、规划和管理。风景园林师在建筑之间创造灵感和功能的空间。如果你有创造的天赋和改善环境和人们生活的热情,那么风景园林可能适合你。

You'll learn from experts who are involve in some of the most exciting lanscape esign work in the worl toay. 你将从那些参与当今世界上最激动人心的景观设计工作的专家那里学习。

Sheffiel is a ynamic city an an ieal place in which to stuy lanscape architecture. Its changing face has been shape by epartment-le initiatives like Grey to Green an Love Square, which give stuents the chance to be involve with live projects an see the ifference lanscape architecture can make. Sheffiel combines the urban with awe-inspiring views of the neighbouring Peak District, making it a rich learning an research environment. 谢菲尔德是一个充满活力的城市,也是学习风景园林的理想之地。它不断变化的面貌是由院系牵头的项目塑造的,比如“从灰色到绿色”(Grey to Green)和“爱的广场”(Love Square),这些项目让学生有机会参与现场项目,并看到景观设计可以带来的变化。谢菲尔德结合了城市与邻近的皮克区令人敬畏的观点,使它成为一个丰富的学习和研究环境。

We believe that lanscape architecture is best learne outoors, so fiel trips an site visits are an essential part of your learning. Plant an tree walks will improve your botanical knowlege, while history lectures will take place in the grouns of some of the most significant lanscapes in the UK. Thir year stuents go on an international trip - most recently to Reykjavik, Vienna an Munich - the cost of which is inclue in your course fee. 我们认为风景园林最好在户外学习,所以实地考察和实地考察是学习的重要组成部分。植物和树木的散步将提高你的植物学知识,而历史讲座将在英国一些最重要的景点进行。三年级的学生要进行一次国际旅行——最近一次是去雷克雅未克、维也纳和慕尼黑——费用包括在学费中。
What our grauates o我们的毕业生做什么
Our grauates often go into architectural practice for a year or two before oing a two-year MArch in Architecture - either at Sheffiel or another school. Our grauates also pursue careers in the built environment or move on to a specialist masters course. 我们的毕业生通常会进入建筑行业实习一到两年,然后在谢菲尔德或其他学校进行为期两年的建筑实习。我们的毕业生也追求在建筑环境中的职业生涯,或进入专业硕士课程。

Employers inclue AHMM, ARUP, Builing Design Partnership, Haworth Tompkins Architects, Feilen Clegg Braley, Grimshaw Architects, Hawkins\Brown, an Penoyre & Prasa. 雇主包括AHMM, ARUP, Builing Design Partnership, Haworth Tompkins Architects, Feilen Clegg Braley, Grimshaw Architects, Hawkins\Brown, an Penoyre & Prasa。

Grauates on our Architectural an Interisciplinary Stuies egree course are well prepare for a career in the built environment in roles such as: built environment consultant, government an local authority avisor, creative an strategic policy maker, architectural critic an journalist, an arts an heritage manager. 我们的建筑和跨学科研究学位课程的毕业生已经为建筑环境领域的职业生涯做好了充分的准备,例如:建筑环境顾问、政府和地方当局顾问、创意和战略决策者、建筑评论家和记者、艺术和遗产管理者。


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