截止时间Roun 1 (Main): 12:00 noon (HKT), December 14, 2018
Roun 2 (Clearing): 12:00 noon (HKT), January 31, 2019
入学要求1. A Bachelor's egree with Honours or an equivalent qualification; an
- Applicants shoul have taken at least one university or post-seconary certificate course in each of the following three subjects (calculus an algebra, computer programming an introuctory statistics) or relate areas.
雅思A minimum overall ban of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5
Compulsory Courses (36 creits)
COMP7305 Cluster an Clou Computing集群与云计算
COMP7404 Computational Intelligence an Machine Learning 计算智能与机器学习
DASC7011 Statistical Inference for Data Science (new course to be offere in 2018-19) 数据科学统计推断(2018-19年开设新课程)
DASC7104 Avance Database Systems (new course to be offere in 2018-19) 高级数据库系统(2018-19年将开设新课程)
STAT6014 Avance Statistical Learning 高级统计学习
STAT7008 Programming for Data Science Disciplinary 数据科学程序设计
Electives (24 creits)* with at least 12 creits from List A an 12 creits from List B
List A
COMP7503 Multimeia Technologies 多媒体技术
COMP7506 Smart Phone Apps Development 智能手机应用程序开发
COMP7507 Visualization an Visual Analytics 可视化与可视化分析
COMP7605 Avance Multimeia Data Analysis an Applications 高级多媒体数据分析与应用
COMP7906 Introuction to Cyber Security 网络安全简介
DASC7606 Deep Learning (new course to be offere in 2018-19) 深度学习(2018-19年将开设新课程)
ICOM6044 Data Science for Business商业数据科学
List B
MATH6502 Topics in Applie Discrete Mathematics 应用离散数学专题
MATH6503 Topics in Mathematical Programming an Optimization
STAT6013 Financial Data Analysis 财务数据分析
STAT6015 Avance Quantitative Risk Management an Finance 高级定量风险管理和金融
STAT6016 Spatial Data Analysis 空间数据分析
STAT8003 Time Series Forecasting 时间序列预测
STAT8017 Data Mining Techniques 数据挖掘技术
STAT8019 Marketing Analytics 营销分析
STAT8301 Big Data Analytics (3 creits) 大数据分析
STAT8306 Statistical Methos for Network Data (3 creits)网络数据统计方法