英属哥伦比亚大学,简称UBC,医博类排名第三,地处英属哥伦比亚省的温哥华,全年气候温和,四季如春。电影制作Film Prouction硕士开设院系是Faculty of Arts;Department of Theatre an Film ,开设学位Master of Fine Arts (MFA),学制2年, 最低的语言要求是托福100阅读听力22 口语写作21,雅思7(单项6.5),截止日期相对较早,1月15日 ,招生数量极少,每年招2-3个人。
1.提交作品集 A portfolio of complete films on which you were a primary creator. These must be uploae to the internet an links supplie. If supplying links, they may be passwor protecte, but please ensure that they are easily accessible on stanar websites such as YouTube or Vimeo. Avoi sites that require registration or special players.
2.提交A proposal for a thesis film. If your thesis is a feature-length film, you must also submit an alternate proposal for a shorter film. This proposal must inclue a eion of the film, an outline, treatment or raft an a propose one-page buget.
康考迪亚大学Film Prouction硕士,开设的院系是 Faculty of Fine Arts;Department of Stuio Arts ,开设学位 Master of Fine Arts (MFA),学制是3年,最低的语言要求是托福90单项20,雅思6.5(单项6.5),截止日期相对较早,1月20日。
A maximum of 30 minutes of time-base auiovisual work (film, vieo, an where relevant, ocumentation of installation work). Work shoul be cue an submitte on DVD (NTSC preferre) or a USB flash rive. On a separate sheet, inclue list of portfolio items with eion, creative role, meium, length, an ate of each prouction.
2.提交论文/研究计划书Thesis proposal
A eion of the propose stuio research program / thesis project, which may inclue a creative treatment. Please comment on its scheuling an bugetary feasibility. Maximum 5 pages.
约克大学位于加拿大的第一大城市多伦多市,多伦多是全球最多元化的都市之一,每年的多伦多电影节来自全球的片方挤破脑袋也要参加这个重量级电影节,多伦多电影节已然成为了世界第四大电影节。约克大学因为地处多伦多所以电影制作硕士项目也非常知名,占尽了多伦多的天时地利人和。约克大学的Film Prouction硕士,开设的院系是 School of the Arts, Meia, Performance an Design,开设学位 Master of Fine Arts (MFA),学制是2年,最低的语言要求是托福100,雅思7.5,截止日期相对较早,1月11日。
Provie us with page that lists passwor-protecte Vimeo or Youtube links to 3-6 of your previous works. Each link shoul be accompanie by a brief eion, listing: title, year, length, genre/form, your role (typically writer/irector), the origin of the work (Was it mae in school? Arts council $? A commission? Di you have eitorial/creative control?). Also, inclue a one-line eion of content, an a brief reason for inclusion (for instance, how it relates to your thesis proposal, or your evelopment as an artist, etc. e.g. “Though the acting is weak, the visual style is a goo example of how I’ll approach my thesis.”)
2. 提交论文/研究计划书Thesis proposal
(750 wors): Shoul inclue title, propose length, genre, meium, one sentence summary eion. Then: Content (1-2 paragraphs). Form (1-2 paragraphs). Influences in terms of form/content (films, filmmakers, artists, 1 paragraph). Relation to your previous work (1-2 paragraphs). Logistics (timeline, resources, equipment, locations, 1-2 paragraphs).
地处美国和加拿大边境安大略省南部的温莎市的温莎大学也开设了一个电影制作相关的硕士,专业是Film an Meia Arts ,硕士学位是 Master of Fine Arts (MFA),开设院系是 School of Creative Arts,学制是2年,最低的语言要求是托福83,雅思6.5
其他要求:需要提交作品集Please submit a DVD of 3 vieo samples or Still Images( 20 JPEG images)