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加拿大 硕士学位有两种 : 一种是专注于研究的硕士学位,另一种是为高级专业实践准备的课程。你的选择将取决于你自己的学习偏好和职业目标。


如果你是一个自我激励的人,并且有兴趣在一个专门的研究领域发展你的知识,那么研究 型硕士比较符合 。 进入了研究型硕士 ,你就可以进行博士研究, 可以 与你所在 学习 领域的领导者紧密合作,并进行一个实质性的研究项目。



完成学士学位后,通常是下一步硕士学位,有时 也可以 直接进入博士学位。


注 : 一些基于课程的研究学位可以让你攻读博士学位。



Course-base 研究


每年需要多少课程 ?

一个完整 年 的课程 包括 每学期 3 到 6 门课程,或者每年 6 到 12 个 3 学分的 课程。在一些项目中, 可以是 兼职的。

一个课程需要多长时间才能完成 ?

大多数基于课程的硕士课程 时长 是在一到两年的时间内完成的,最多可兼职六年。



Thesis-base 研究

基于 研究型的课程 要求你追求独立原创的研究,最终 形成 一篇论文。你将在一名 导师 的监督下 学习 ,他的专业知识与你的研究领域相匹配。

什么是 论文 ?

学生必须准备一份实质性的研究文件, 表明 对他们的领域作出 基本的 学术贡献。博士论文通常被称为 专题 。博士和硕士的学生也必须在考试委员会面前答辩。

一个基于 论文项目 需要多长时间才能完成 ?

这类硕士课程通常需要两年时间才能完成,最多四年。一个博士项目需要 4 年,最多 6 年。



什么是 导师 ?


我什么时候需要 ?


学生 / 导师 的关系

你的导师的研究兴趣应该和你的一样,并且他们应该准备好在研究生期间 为你 提供辅导。




Choose your path – specialize expertise or professional evelopment


There are two types of master’s egrees: those that focus on research (thesis-base) an those that are intene to prepare you for avance professional practice (course-base). Your choice will epen on your own stuy preferences an professional goals.


If you are self-motivate an intereste in eveloping your knowlege in a specialize area of research, thesis-base stuy is ieal. With this option, you can pursue research at the PhD level, work closely with a leaer in your fiel an unertake a substantial research project. *


The course-base path may appeal to you if you are more intereste in avancing your professional skillset. Some course-base master’s egrees are intene for stuents who have recently complete a bachelor’s egree, while others may require prior work experience for amission.


After completing a bachelor’s egree, a master’s egree is normally the next step, though it’s sometimes possible to move irectly into a PhD.


*Note: Some course-base research egrees allow you to pursue a PhD.


Course-base stuy

What is a course-base program?

In a course-base program, all egree requirements are fulfille by completing courses. These may inclue courses that involve a project, such as a major research paper or group project.


How many courses are require per year?

A full course loa consists of three to six courses per term, or six to 12 three-unit courses per year. Part-time enrolment is possible in some programs.


How long will a course-base program take to complete?

Most course-base master’s programs are esigne to be complete in one to two years full-time, an up to a maximum of six years part-time.

Thesis-base stuy


What is a thesis-base program?

Thesis-base programs require that you pursue inepenent an original research culminating in a thesis. You will work uner the supervision of a faculty member whose expertise matches your research area.


What is a thesis?

Stuents must prepare a substantial research ocument that makes an original scholarly contribution to their fiel. A PhD thesis is often calle a issertation. Doctoral an master’s stuents must also efen their thesis in front of an examination committee.


How long will a thesis-base program take to complete?

A thesis-base master’s programs typically takes two years to complete, with a maximum of four years. A octoral program will take four years, up to a maximum of six years.




What is a supervisor?

A supervisor is a faculty member who oversees your research an the evelopment of your thesis.


When o I nee one? 

Some grauate programs require stuents obtain a supervisor prior to application, whereas other programs will assign a supervisor upon amission.


The stuent/supervisor relationship

Your supervisor’s research interests shoul be similar to your own, an they shoul be prepare to provie mentorship throughout your time in gra school.


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