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乔治梅森大学 美国综合排名136

乔治梅森大学George Mason University 是一个富有创新精神、朝气蓬勃并在一系列的学科领域享有世界级声誉的新兴大学。凭借在公共政策、机械工程、经济学、信息技术、生物技术和医药保健等领域的雄厚科研与教学实力, 30 多年来,乔治梅森大学为全世界和各个地区输送着人才。

乔治梅森大学成立于 1972 年。因其发展发展迅猛和创新精神被受关注。现在,乔治梅森大学拥有近 30 , 000 位学生,是弗吉尼亚招生人数最多的大学。它也那个地方最多元化的大学。《时代杂志》评价乔治梅森是个 “ 挑战国家精英的学校 ” 。《美国新闻》和《世界报道》说这个学校 “ 有一群很受尊敬的经济学家和高技术学者 ” 。

乔治梅森大学,在短短的 30 多年间就有两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者先后加盟(詹姆斯 • 布坎南 (JamesM.Buchanan )和弗农 • 史密斯( Vernon L.Smith )。另有三位普利策新闻奖得主在校任教( Roger Wilkins ,因报道水门事件而获奖; Martin Sherwin ,因撰写 Robert Oppenheimer 传记而获奖; Steven Pearlstein ,因准确分析复杂的经济形势而获奖)。乔治梅森大学的杰出人物还包括鲁宾逊教授,普利策奖获得者电子及电气工程师学员会百年纪念奖章获得者。此外,乔治梅森大学还获得过富布莱特法案基金、国家自然科学基金和国家文学捐赠基金的获。

这个学校的计算机设置有很多新的方向 如机器人方向。 所在位置在佛吉尼亚州,距离华盛顿特区很近(亚马逊的第二总部开在了这附近),大企业很多。学校是 TIE1 研究型大校,学术氛围非常浓厚。位于北弗吉尼亚州华盛顿特区附近的科技走廊中心地带。

专业选择: MS Computer Science


l Big Data

l Cyber Security

l Globalization

l Healthcare Technology

l Robotics

l Signals an communication

l Sustainable an frustration


· 学历要求: Must have a baccalaureate egree from a regionally accreite institution of higher eucation.

o Earne or will earn a four-year baccalaureate egree from a regionally accreite US institution, or an equivalent egree from a nationally recognize non-US institution.

o Applications may be submitte uring the final year of unergrauate stuy. Note: Acceptance is contingent on awar of a baccalaureate egree before matriculation to a grauate or professional program at Mason.

· Earne a 3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale or better in your baccalaureate stuy. Note: The GPA requirement can be higher for iniviual programs.


Applicants who have earne a bachelors, masters, or octoral egree from a regionally accreite university in the Unite States, Canaa (excluing province of Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean (Antigua, Barbua, Belize, Cayman Islans, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts an Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent an Grenaines, an Trinia an Tobago), Unite Kingom, Irelan, Australia, an New Zealan are consiere to have met that stanar. All other applicants are require to take an English proficiency examination an meet minimum scores set by Mason in orer to be consiere for amission. The TOEFL, Pearson Test of English, or IELTS exams can be use to meet this requirement. The Office of Amissions is the sole ecision maker for English Language proficiency.

截止日期: https://volgenau.gmu.eu/amissions/grauate-amissions/grauate-application-process

Fall 2019 Application Dealines****

Funing Dealine: December 1, 2018 for PhD-Bioengineering, PhD-Computer Science, an PhD-Electrical & Computer Engineering programs only

Funing Dealine: December 15, 2018 for all other programs

Stanar Dealine: March 15, 2019

Applications receive or missing supplementary materials after March 15, 2019 will be consiere on a space-available basis until June 1, 2019 for those who require an F1/J1 visa for stuy in the Unite States, an July 15, 2019 for those who o not nee a visa.

Non-egree Stuies: August 15, 2019

有春季 TBA


语言成绩 托福 80 ,雅思 7 分


IBT - 88 points total AND a minimum of 20 points in each section

· Grauate School of Business - 93 points total AND a minimum of 20 points in each section

· Grauate School of Engineering - 80 points total, no minimum section scores

PBT - 570 points

IELTS - Acaemic

6.5 total ban score

· Grauate School of Business - 7.0 total ban score AND a minimum of 7.0 in each subsection

GRE 要求:下面几个专业美国本科的不用提交 GRE ,软件工程硕士不需要推荐信

· GRE exam is not require for most programs. GRE is require for applicants without a U.S. Bachelor's egree or higher for the following programs:Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Security & Assurance, Information Systems, Operations Research, Software Engineering, an Systems Engineering.

· GRE exam is require for the MS in Bioengineeringprogram.


· Letters of recommenation are not require for the MS in Software Engineeringprogram.

· 成绩单 Transcript evaluation from a NACES approve agency.  成绩单需要认证

· PS

· 简历 

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