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自 2020 年 2 月起,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学 EAP 语言课程有如下变化:

课程通过率提高 : • 新的 EAP 课程,差 0.5 分配 10 周语言 - 之前是差 1 分配 12 周 EAP 语言课程; • 学生成绩低于 49% ,需要重修; • 考试减少:仅 2 个考试日,学生更加注重语言成绩提高; • EAP 课程期间,学生可以学习更高级别的 GE 课程 - (Upper-Intermeiate/Avance) 。

更多灵活性 : • 每年 6 次开课 ; • 学生可以选择在上午上课,或者在下午上课(不能上午上课,下午又上课),每日有半天的自由支配时间; • 课程信息每日 24 小时可以在线访问。

服务质量提升 : • 一周 25 小时的授课; • 课程的材料和评估方式均由 QUT 的教育权威人士出具; • 一般每班 15 人; • 所有的课程内容经由 QUT 院系评估和同意。

Dear Colleagues,

This letter contains important information about the new QUT English for Acaemic Purposes (EAP) programs an the resulting changes to your QUT offer.

QUT is committe to ensuring that our courses are relevant, current an provie stuents with a high-quality experience. Course quality assurance is a continuous process, incorporating regular monitoring, review, benchmarking, improvement an re-accreitation of courses. 

As part of that quality assurance process, QUT International College will offer a new suite of EAP programs starting in February 2020. The new programs have been esigne so that you can progress to your university course quickly an with the best possible preparation.

The most noticeable change will be the uration of the programs. No longer a 12 week block, the new programs are offere in both 10 week (Stanar) an 15 week (Extene) streams. As a result we have reassesse your application an revise your QUT offer letter to reflect this change. Your new EAP program has been selecte for you base on your original application an English language ability.

Improve success rates & on-time progression: • Stuents are now expecte to improve by just 0.5 IELTS (equivalent) in 10 weeks instea of 1.0 in 12 weeks. • A revise curriculum an program structure means only stuents who o not pass (score less than 49%) will have to repeat the same level. • Less assessments: Only 2 exam ays - Greater focus on language improvement. • Stuents are able to stuy high level GE (Upper-Intermeiate/Avance) between EAP programs.

Greater flexibility: • 6 start ates per year. • Two shifts – Stuents will have classes only in the morning or afternoon, but not both. This means time part-time employment, being with family or enjoying life in Australia. • All sections of the program are accessible online 24/7.

Improve level of quality: • 25 hours per week of class (attenance only marke for 20 hours). • All program material an assessment prouce by QUT Masters-qualifie eucators. • Only 15 stuents per class on average. • All program content assesse an approve by QUT faculties.

Your new QUT offer letter is attache. Please refer to this for information regaring your program start ates, acceptance ates an tuition fees. Please note that the uration of your new EAP program will have increase or ecrease, an therefore the tuition fee payable will have change.

Please consier this offer an return the Acceptance of Offer form.

Kin regars, 

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