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M.S. Quantitative Financial Economics

The M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics (MQFE) is esigne for stuents who are seeking the greater epth an rigor that are increasingly require by avance acaemic programs, as well as in the private sector. If your goal is to prepare yourself an improve your caniacy for a Ph.D. program in finance at a top business school, then this is the program for you. Equally, if you woul like to improve your skills in quantitative financial analysis to enter, or move to the next level, in your career in finance, our program can help you to achieve this goal. This program is unique in offering avance courses in volatility moeling, analysis of high-frequency ata, an continuous time finance, as these are areas of expertise within the financial economics group at


Stuents' course selections are base on their specific interests an on recommenations mae by their acaemic avisors in orer to meet their longer-run goals. In aition to taking a variety of master's-level courses, stuents with sufficient preparation will be encourage to

enroll in a combination of octoral-level courses in financial economics an financial econometrics. The curriculum can be complete in either three or four semesters. Throughout their participation in the program, stuents compile a portfolio that tracks their acaemic growth an showcases their accomplishments. The portfolio is compose of research papers, presentations, an other professional ocuments. It serves as a valuable tool for applying both to jobs an octoral programs.

Degree Requirements

MQFE courses will be taught preominantly by the faculty of the Duke

Financial EconomicsCenter.

30 creits in quantitative financial economics an relate fiels, not incluingpreparatorycourses.

15 creits, comprise of the followingrequirecore courses, which will typically be taken uring the semester inicate:

ECON 571 Financial Markets & Investments(3 creits, first semester) ECON 623 Forecasting Financial Markets (3 creits, secon semester) ECON 672 Financial Econometrics (3 creits, first semester)

ECON 676 Empirical Asset Pricing (3 creits, secon semester)

ECON 882 Finance in Macroeconomics (1.5-creit moule, thir semester) ECON 885 Continuous Time Finance (1.5-creit moule, thir semester)

A compulsory, zero-creit seminar series on Ethical Consierations in Finance

15 creits, comprise of a combination of FIVE courses from the following electives:

ECON 514 Fixe Income Markets & Quantitative Methos (3 creits) ECON 573 Theoretical Corporate Finance (3 creits)

ECON 590 Regulation & Ethics in Financial Markets (3 creits) ECON 674/MATH 582 Derivatives (3 creits)

ECON 883 Time Series (3 creits)

Certain other master's- (ECON 500-699) an Ph.D.-level (ECON 700-999 or Finance 900-level courses at Fuqua ) courses may be taken with avance approval from the stuent's avisor.

Completionexercise:Each stuent has a completion meeting with his/her committee, involving presentation an iscussion of either aportfolio of

complete work from course projects an papers, an/or a summary of applie work from an internship, an/or an inepenent stuy project mentore by a faculty member. The completion exercise will be reviewe an approve for master's creit by the stuent's faculty avisor in conjunction with the MQFE irector. Each stuent will be expecte to submit a har copy of the portfolio to the committee two weeks prior to the completionate.


Responsible Coe of Conuct (RCR) training

(For International Stuents) English Language Proficiency

Course Details

Certain courses in the Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, an Computer Science may be counte as electives towars the 30-creit requirement with avance approval; however, stuents must complete a minimum of 24 creits in Department of Economics courses. Per Grauate School policy, to count towar the 30-creit requirement, all courses must be at the 500 level or above. All courses below the 500 level taken uring or after the Fall 2018 term will NOT be inclue in a stuent's GPA an cannot count towars course creit. Grauate courses paire with unergrauate courses can be taken forcreit

towar a grauate egree if the grauate versions have istinct, more rigorous requirements for grauate stuents.

STEM Designation

This egree program classifies as STEM (CIP Coe 45.0603: Econometrics an Quantitative Economics), an stuents in this program can apply for a 24-month STEM extension of F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) .

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