Master of Business Analytics
开学 :1 月 学制 1 年
录取要求: Your unergrauate egree shoul be from a recognise institution with a minimum GPA of 65 per cent.
Demonstrate acaemic success in quantitative subjects an a natural talent an passion for working with ata – typically, your unergrauate egree will be Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Physics, Finance or Economics an Science.
Ieally, you will have complete a sequence of two or three unergrauate or grauate statistics courses that inclue probability theory an regression analysis, although emonstrate mathematical preparation an quantitative aptitue may be co nsiere sufficient in some cases.
本科毕业,平均学分绩点不低于 65% 。
在定量学科上有突出的学术成就,对数据处理有天生的天赋和热情 —— 通常,你的本科学位将是数学、统计学、精算科学、计算机科学、信息系统、工程学、物理学、金融或经济学和科学。