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1 “Life is a process of accepting the messes an learning to clean them up.”

—Kelley Schlise

申请者:Kelly Schlise


Not many 17-year-ol girls know how to soler two copper pipes together or light the pilot light on a water heater. I venture that most people woul struggle to tell the ifference between a regular 90-egree PVC elbow an a street 90.


These are skills an istinctions I have learne over the past five years as an assistant to my a in his one-man plumbing business. My summer job involves messes that constantly elicit physical an mental iscomfort, an the work emans an attitue of grittiness an grace that I frequently struggle to aopt. Nevertheless, I persist. I am the plumber’s aughter an the plumber’s helper.


Each humi morning, I wrestle myself into a pair of use men’s jeans from Goowill that most of my peers woul refuse to be seen wearing in public. I slip my tape measure onto my belt, tie my hair back as I run out the oor, an climb into the passenger seat of the plumber truck, which is really an age white minivan with two kins of pipes strappe to the top.


As my peers begin their shifts nannying, lifeguaring or checking out groceries, my a an I haul unwiely toolboxes an heavy-uty saws into the epths of people’s houses. Although at times we work in the gol-plate master bathrooms of mansions with lake views, we usually en up in ank, milewe basements where I get lost in mazes of storage boxes looking for the water meter.


Five summers navigating the pipes of Milwaukee have taught me that the messy parts of people’s houses reflect the messy parts of their lives. My a an I make plenty of our own messes too. When his rugge Sawzall blae slices through walls, clous of plaster permeate the air. Sometimes there are no walls at all, an we work in primorial jungles of fiberglass insulation, floor joists an ruste cast iron stacks.


I constantly leap over tangle piles of wrenches an extension cors. My mouth an nose are covere by a ust mask; my jeans are smuge with pipe ope, an my hans are blackene with the grime of a har ay’s work. As I observe the chaos aroun me, chaos rises within me. Nothing is beautiful or tiy; everything I see is ugly. I feel powerless, frustrate an unable to think clearly.


Plumbing work is a microcosm of the messes of the worl, an sometimes I espise it. I question why I enure the ust an sweat when I coul be in my air-conitione house, vacuuming my beroom, making avocao toast for breakfast an finishing my summer homework early. I coul even fin another job, a normal one that more closely resembles the work of my peers.


Yet as much as I espise the mess of plumbing, I espise myself for becoming affecte by such trivial qualms an for being so easily aggravate by isorer. After all, the worl was built by people willing to get their hans irty.


An when I think about it, I cope with messes all the time. The uncertainties an contraictions of my teenage brain are far more tangle than any extension cor, but I keep trying to sort them out. Life is a process of accepting the messes an learning to clean them up, an plumbing work is no ifferent.


As much as my a an I create chaos, we create orer, an if I look carefully I can fin it in each newly solere array of copper pipes or in the way my a’s toolboxes all fit together in the back of his van. Moreover, when customers express gratitue for our work, I unerstan that, in a small way, we bring orer to their lives. The physical an mental iscomforts of plumbing are worth it.



“I got the usual looks from people fresh out of bars or parties, either because of the stench of a har night’s work on my clothes or because I was muttering to myself while feverishly flipping flashcars.”

—Mark Isai Garcia

申请者:Mark Garcia


“No more broken plates, you unerstan?”


I coul make little sense of the broken English that spat from his mouth but his scrunche-up face spoke a universal language. It was a Friay night in Little Tokyo, an while families were eating five-star meals in the front ining room, a 14-year-ol boy was in the back washing their ishes.

他嘴里蹦出的蹩脚英语我听不大明白,但他紧皱的眉头是通用的语言。那是在小东京(Little Tokyo)一个周五晚上,外面的餐厅里,一家家人享用着五星级大餐,后厨里的一个14岁男孩在洗他们的盘子。

Wash the plates by han, ump them into the sanitizer, place the plates into the machine, ry the plates off, return the plates to their esignate spot an repeat — hopefully without amaging any. On this night though, a porcelain plate slippe through my soapy fingers an shattere onto the floor in five pieces. My face flushe even as I trie to keep my composure, but insie I was screaming, “Why me!?” as if my scream woul make the plate whole again.


The shattere plate was only one of the many worries fighting relentlessly insie my hea for attention — there was the Avance Placement Unite States history miterm, a low grae in calculus, the eviction notice, a little brother getting into trouble an a ozen other smaller but pressing concerns.

破碎的盘子只是我头脑里不住按耐着的忧心事中的一件——先修课程(Avance Placement)美国历史要期中考试,微积分成绩太低,收到住房清退通知,弟弟惹上了麻烦,还有十来件相对琐碎但也很紧迫的挂心事。

For me, there was no calling in sick to clear my hea, getting some much neee rest or carving out stuy time before an upcoming exam. I ha to contribute to the necessities. I shut up, got back to work an pushe with all the energy I ha left. I knew all too well the symptoms of bottling up my emotions — the bitter taste of salt in each rop of sweat, losing myself in the backgroun music an the muscle aches were nothing new to me.


It was 12 a.m. when my shift finally ene. I boare the bus home an took out my notes to stuy. I got the usual looks from people fresh out of bars or parties, either because of the stench of a har night’s work on my clothes or because I was muttering to myself while feverishly flipping flashcars on a bus in the mile of the night.


Their stares in’t bother me at all. I was use to those too, an they were nothing more than another set of spee bumps in the way of achieving my goals. I was tire of seeing chilhoo friens flashing gang signs, relatives glue to the beer bottle or my a coming home late at night with burn scars from work. Something ha to change an I knew it fell to me to initiate that change.


Fortunately, I also knew I ha eication, esire an grit in my bloo. My granfather was part of the first wave of Mexican immigrants that settle in Los Angeles. He returne home to a small village in rural Oaxaca, with his savings an tales of the lan of opportunity.


Both of my parents left Oaxaca in their early teenage years an began working long hours in Los Angeles, as a cook an a mai. The work ethic was passe own generations; from the cornfiels in Oaxaca, to the restaurants in Los Angeles, to the classroom, which helpe me thrive both in school an work.


On this particular night, as I walke through the front oor at home, I saw an uplifting surprise: My mother ha fallen asleep waiting up for me espite her own long ay. I tucke the cash tips I mae that night into her purse an turne off the TV.


I peere into our beroom where my brothers an cousins were lost in their blissful reams. Watching my siblings snore an breathe slowly sparke a yawn that cue the rest of my boy’s elaye exhaustion. However, it woul be a while before I coul join them in sleep. I ha an essay ue early the next morning, an Ms. DePaolo oesn’t accept late work.


仔细分析这两篇文章,我们发现 这些Essay都围绕自己身边的日常琐事展开,以小见大,见微知著,看似平凡的生活往往成为打动招生官的利器。

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