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佛罗里达大学(University of Floria,简称UF)是一所位于美国 佛罗里达州 盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)的公立研究型大学,成立于1853年,属于美国30所 公立常春藤 之一。在《美国新闻与世界报道(US NEWS)》2019全美综合排名中排第35位,位列全美公立大学第8位;2017年niche全美公立大学排名第12位,在《美国新闻与世界报道(US NEWS)》2016世界大学排名中排世界第47位。在2018-2019 CWUR世界大学排名中排世界第62位 。在美国本土国家大学排名体系中位列全球第50名。世界大学学术表现排行(URAP)位列世界45名。大学作为全美最大的研究型大学之一,每年为佛罗里达州经济贡献近60亿美元,并创造近七万五千个工作职位。佛罗里达大学共获得研究资金五亿八千三百万美元,其金额超过佛州所有其他大学的总和。


M.S. in Foo Science an Human Nutrition


Master of Science: Foo Science track

The program provies a variety of courses an research opportunities with the following areas of emphasis:

· Foo chemistry involves the unerstaning of analytical, biochemical, chemical, functional, physical an toxicological aspects of foo constituents.

· Foo microbiology encompasses all microbiological aspect of foo safety in foo prouction, foo spoilage, foo preservation an storage; also inclues areas of biosecurity, biotechnology an microbial genomics.

· Foo processing uses engineering principles, methos an techniques to transform raw agricultural commoities into consumable foo proucts

· Foo technology involves the application of moern scientific an engineering principles to the preservation an istribution of foo.

· Sensory evaluation applies the scientific metho an statistical analysis to the assessment of all the qualities of a foo item as perceive by the human senses.

Master of Science: Foo Science Requirements

A minimum of 30 creits total must be satisfactorily complete for the thesis M.S. egree. This consists of a minimum of 24 course creits an 6 research creits. At least one course in each of three program areas below must be complete to ensure a broa backgroun in foo science. Examples of courses are liste after each of the major program areas:

· Foo Processing an Engineering: FOS 4427C, Principles of Foo Processing; FOS 6428C, Avance Foo Processing

· Foo Microbiology an Safety: FOS 4222, Foo Microbiology an FOS 4222L, Foo Micro Laboratory; FOS 5225C, Principles of Foo Microbiology; FOS 6226C, Avance Foo Microbiology

· Foo Chemistry: FOS 4311C, Foo Chemistry; FOS 6315C, Avance Foo Chemistry

Among the 24 require course creits, the following must be complete:

· Foo Science an Technology Seminar (FOS 6938, 1 creit)

· Research Planning (FOS 6915, 2 creits)

· Statistical Methos in Research I (STA 6166, 3 creits)

Master of Science: Nutritional Sciences track

Nutritional Sciences grauate stuents are expose to a rich acaemic an research environment. In aition to the Department’s array of nutrition grauate courses, stuents are expecte to broaen their program by selecting from courses in biochemistry, chemistry, meical sciences, animal science, epiemiology, gerontology, physiology, veterinary meicine, bioinformatics, anthropology, microbiology, an statistics.Research areas of emphasis inclue the following:

· Human nutrition: encompasses clinical nutrition an ietetics, supplement stuies, an metabolic trials.

· Molecular an cellular nutrition an metabolomics: comprises nutrient transport, basic metabolism, nutrient-gene interactions, genetics, an genomics.

Master of Science: Nutritional Science Requirements

A minimum of 30 creits total must be satisfactorily complete for the thesis M.S. egree. This consists of a minimum of 24 course creits an 6 research creits. Completion of this coursework ensures that stuents will have a broa backgroun in basic nutritional sciences. Stuents may select epartmental coursework from the following partial list of offerings:

· HUN 5441: Metabolic Response to Enteral an Parenteral Nutrition

· HUN 5447: Nutrition an Immunity

· HUN 6245: Avance Human Nutrition

· HUN 6255: Clinical Nutrition

· HUN 6301: Nutritional Aspects of Lipi Metabolism

· HUN 6305: Nutritional Aspects of Carbohyrates

· HUN 6321: Proteins an Amino Acis in Nutrition

· HUN 6331: Vitamins in Human Nutrition

· HUN 6356: Minerals in Nutrition

· HUN 6812: Analytical Techniques in Nutritional Biochemistry

Among the minimum 24 require course creits, the following must be complete:

· HUN 6938 Nutritional Sciences Seminar an Colloquium

· FOS 6915 Research Planning or approve substitute

· STA 6166 Statistical Methos in Research I

· BCH 6206 Avance Metabolism

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