关于新生签证申请和入境时间问题,美国使馆明确规定:只能在 I-20 上所列的学校指定报到日(开学日)前 120 天内签发,即面签日期需要在开学前 4 个月内。
关于入境的规定:所有新生只能在 I-20 表格上所列的课程报到日之前 30 天内才会被准许入境美国。
备注: 120 天及 30 天的规定不适用于继续就读的学生。续读生可以在任何时期申请新的签证,只要他们一直维持在美国的身份并且在 SEVIS 系统里的记录是有效的即可。续读生也可以在下一段课程或计划开始前的任何时期入境美国。
所需材料 如需申请 F 类签证,应缴纳 160 美元申请费并提交下列材料: 1 、非移民签证电子申请表 (DS-160) 。 2 、前往美国旅行的有效护照,有效期需超出在美预定停留期至少六个月。 3 、一张在最近六个月内拍摄的 2 英寸 x2 英寸证件照( 5.1 厘米 x5.1 厘米)(照片提交不符合标准的照片延缓签证申请流程,当然护照照片也可以)。 4 、美国学校或项目提供的 I-20 表。
SEVIS(I-901) 缴费收据(证明申请人已缴纳 SEVIS 费用)。
- 完成并提交 DS-160 表之前,请首先阅读非移民签证申请流程。在预约大使馆或总领事馆面谈之前,您首先须在线提交 DS-160 申请表。
你预约面谈的使馆 / 领事馆,必须与 DS-160 表格开头选择面谈地点的使馆 / 领事馆保持一致。重要提示: 如果续签或无需进行面谈,请选择 “ 广州 ” 。
DS-160 表格完成之后,会生成标有字母加数字格式的条形码确认页。并在去使领馆面谈的时候带好打印清楚的确认信。
随身携带一份预约单打印件、 DS-160 确认页打印件、一张最近六个月内的近照以及所有新旧护照。如缺少上述任何材料,申请将不予受理。
第一类问题:你是谁? 简单个人问题
What's your name ?
How long have you prepare your visa interview ? Have u prepare the interview in an eucation agency ?
Where are you from ? Where is your hometown ?
Have you ever been to nations asie of China ? Have you ever gone abroa ?
What's your favorite foo ?
How ol are you ?
How long have you been in Shanghai ?
What's your hobby ? What o you o in your spare time ?
Where is your HUKOU( 户口 ) ?
Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe) ?
Where o you live ? Where will you live ?
Do u have a cup of coffee every morning ?
what kin of computer o you have ?
what is your favorite color ?
What o you think of the *** (a question VO is intereste to know concerning your major) in China ?
What is your favorite pet ? Why ?
What's your best/worst quality.
Why i you live in Shanghai ?
Who o you think is the best presient of the US ?
Do you think who is the greatest leaer in the worl ? Why ?
Do you have any relatives in the Unite States ?
What o your parents o ?
Do you have sisters or brothers ?
What is your favorite American movie ?
Do you have a girlfrien ? Where is she ? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you uring your grauate stuy ?
第二类问题:你去做什么? 笼统问法
What will you o in USA ?
What is your purpose for the visa ?
Are you going to stuy in USA ?
How long will you stuy in USA ?
Why o you want to stuy in USA ?
Why o you want go to the Unite States for further stuy ? (if the accent is on "Unite States")
Many universities in the China offer first--rate grauate programs in ***. Why o you want to go to the USA for grauate stuy ?
When are you going to enter US ?
How o you know this Univ. ?
Why o you choose this Univ. ?
To how many institutions have you applie, an who are they ? Any other school amits you ?
Why i you choose University ? How much o you know about the university ?
Do you know which school is the best in your major ? What else ?
Is the first university to give you the offer ?
What will you stuy in the Unite States ?
What o you want to stuy in USA ?
Why o you want to stuy *** in the US ?
What is your ultimate acaemic goal ?
What will you stuy in this major ? What courses ?
What's the ifference between your major now an the major in USA ?
Why o you change your major ?
Why o you want to pursue a master's/octoral egree ?
Why o you think it is time for you to pursue master's/octoral egree now ?
第三类问题:你有能力去做吗? 专业背景
What is your major ? In what aspect of your major will you stuy ? What is your favorite subject ? Can it be use to military utilities ?
When/where i you get your BS/MS ?
What is your acaemic backgroun ?
Why o you like your major ?
What is the ifficult class o you have ?
What institution i you atten an what was your major ?
What oes your major mean ?
Can you give an example of your topic that is applie in our living ?
Is your transcript original ?
Can you talk something about the course *** ?
What is your issertation about ? what is your specific research of your unergrauate paper ?
What have you one in your research ?
Are you a top stuent in your school ? What about your ranking in your class ?
What/where are you working now ?
What o you o with your work for MS/ph ?
What have you one after you grauate from university ?
How long oes it take to commute to your work place ?
Are you a worker or a stuent now ?
How much o you earn now ? How much will you earn when you come back ?
What is your current project in your company ? What are you responsible for in your present post ?
How many years have your worke ?
Why i you choose your present job ?
Where is your company locate in ?
So what evelopment/programming tools o you use ? (CS)
(Set up my own company about****) Is it ifficult ?
How long have you prepare for GRE ? Di you cheat ?
When i you join the T/G test ?
What score i you get in T/G test ?
How i you take GRE ?
Have you receive any scholarship ?
Why o you receive financial ai from this Univ. ?
How much o you expect you will have to spen each year in the Unite States ?
How o you support yourself uring your stuies in the Unite States ?
Do you plan to seek Financial support in the US ?
Who will be your sponsor ? How much is his annual income an what will be the amount you will receive annually ? Do you have a bank eposit certification ?
Have you any bank eposit ?
Can you tell me which assistantship they give you ? TA or RA.
Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years ?
What is your plan ? What will you o after grauation ? Why ? what kin of job can you fin in the future ?
Give me three reasons that you will come back to China ?
Can you explain why 90% Chinese stuents in't come back ?
Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have complete your stuies ?
What is your ream ?
You can also make more of this kin of money in US, why on't you want to earn more ? why you come back to China instea of fining a job in America ?
Will you come back to this company after grauation ?
What is the thing you like best in America, or the thing you like best in China ?
Then what is the thing you on't like most in China ? What o you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S ?