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一轮offer雨结束,同学们都要兴高采烈、手舞足蹈、手脚并用的开始准备签证这个东东了……肿么办,感觉又一场惊心动魄的挑战来了!貌似整理材料、准备面签都是一套繁琐的过程,我们要如何轻松地消化这场挑战呢? 重点来了,来了,来~了~ 签证到底要准备哪些材料?——这里有! 面签要如何准备?——手把手教你! 面签会有一对奇葩的问题么?——万变不离其宗啦~ 还有…… 不管还有啥,我们都给你准备

> 一、官方规定的申请材料




4.SEVIS FEE打印收据,在线提交


> 二、补充证明材料







> 三、在中国有牢固约束力的证明:





> 四、资金证明:





> 五、研究/学习计划:




> 六、需要提前准备的事项:

  1. 联网电脑

  2. 户口本、I20请放到手边,几个号码填写

  3. 能交美元的信用卡等卡

  4. 找到最近的中信银行或者有中信银行借记卡

  5. 找时间把在校证明或毕业证,以及成绩单开了

  6. 打印机或者能够把网页等打印成pf



> 1、签证和签证照片一定要照好。


> 2、面试时一定要注意自己的仪表、气质和态度。


> 3、要面带微笑,表现信心。


> 4、说话时声音要清晰,语速要慢。


> 5、心态一定要坦然。


> 6、不要有侥幸心理。



> 1、第一关


> 2、第二关


> 3、第三关


> 4、第四关


> 5、第五关


> 6、最终boss



1.Talk about yourself. /Introuce yourself.介绍你自己.

My name is . I am years ol. I am from .

In my free time, I like _ ,_ an __ .

2.What's the purpose of your visit? 你去美国的目的

I want to have further stuy there.

3.What o you o now? /What i you o after grauation? /What have you been oing lately? 你现在在干什么?

I am a stuent. I grauate from ____.

I am learning English in a training center lately.

4.When an where i you grauate? 你什么时候,在哪里毕业的?

I grauate from

5.What i you stuy in college? / What is it about? 你大学学的什么专业?

I stuie _ before.

6.What will you o in USA? /What is your purpose for the visa? /What’s your stuy plan in the states /Tell me your eucation plan.你的学习计划.

I will learn ESL (English as a Secon Language) there. I will have unergrauate stuies: Level 1, 2, 3 an 4. Then I will major in Business Aministration an Management.

7.Why o you want to stuy in USA? /Why o you inten to stuy in USA rather than in China? 为什么想去美国学习?

Because I want to improve myself an learn more English.

8.1).What egree will you pursue in USA?

2).What is your ultimate acaemic goal?

3).What level of eucation are you pursuing in America?

4).What was the last egree you obtaine?

5).What egree o you inten to achieve after grauation? 你在美国将要获得什么学位?/你最终的学习目标?/你准备在美国继续什么层次的教育?

My goal is to have Master's egree or even Doctor's egree there.

  1. What school will you go? 你将要去哪个学校?

I will go to North Seattle Community College.

10.How o you know this university? 怎么知道的这所学校?

I know this university/ college from the agent an from the internet.

11.Why i you choose that university? 为什么选择这所学校?

Because I hear that it is a goo school an I like the city there.

12.How much o you know about the university? /Tell me about something about this university. 对这所学校了解多少?

13.What's your intene major? /What will you stuy? 选择的专业是什么?

I will learn ESL (English as a Secon Language) there. I will have unergrauate stuies: Level 1, 2, 3 an 4. Then I will major in Business Aministration an Management.

14.Why o you want to stuy this major in the USA? /Why i you choose this major? 为什么选择这个专业?

Because I think it is useful for my future an for my family business.

15.How i you get intereste in your major? 你是怎么样喜欢上你的专业的?

I think it is useful an challenging.

16.Who will be your sponsor? /Who's going to pay for your stuies in the States? 谁支助你上学?

17.Who will be your sponsor? /

Who's going to pay for your stuies in the States? 谁支助你上学?

My father an mother pay for my stuies.

18.Di your parents borrow any of the money? 你父母为你上学借钱了吗?

No. they in't. They can affor it.

19.What o your parents o? / Where oes your father or mother get the funs from? 你父母的工作是什么?/ 你父母的钱是从哪里来的?

My father an mother have a factory.

They sell for money.

20.What are your father's/mother's responsibilities at work? /Describe your father's/mother's job to me. 你父母的主要工作是?

They sell .

21.How long have they worke there? 他们在那里工作多久了?

They have worke there for years.

22.Do you have a bank eposit certification (Bankbooks)?

May I see your bankbooks/bank statements/C.D./certificate eposit? 你有存款证明吗?我能看一下吗

Sure, here you are!

23.How much money have your parents save for your eucation? /How much money have you been set asie? /How much money o you have been fun? 存了多少钱?

Yes. (pointing out)

24.Do you have the enough fun for your stuy? 你有足够的钱学习吗?

Yes, I o.

25.How long have you been saving money? 钱存了多久?

For more than years.

26.What is your plan? /What will you o after grauation? /What kin of job can you fin in the future? 你毕业以后的计划?

I will get my MBA egree in America. Then I will go back to China an work in my parents' factory.

27.Will you come back after grauation? /Do you plan to return to china after grauation? 毕业后打算回国吗?

Sure! I will go back to China an help with my family business.

28.1).In USA you can earn much more money than in China .So, why o you say you will return to China?

2).You can also make more of this kin of money in US, why on’t you want to earn more?

3).Why won't you stay in the US?

4).Why will you come back to China instea of fining a job in America? 5).Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 为什么要回国?

Because my family an the factory nee me. If I can get MBA egree, I am able to help my family factory in the future.

29.1).Do you plan to seek financial support in the US?

2).Do you plan to fin a job while you are stuying?

3).Will you look for a part time job while going to school? 你在学习期间会做兼职吗?

30.1).Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have complete your stuies?

2).Do you looking for employment in USA?

3).After grauation o you plan to fin a job in USA? 你毕业后打算在美国找工作吗?

I on't think so. I want to go back to China an help with my parent’s factory.

31.What is the TOEFL requirement of your school? 你学校要求的托福成绩是多少?

32.When is the opening ate of your university? /When oes your university start? 你学校什么时候开学?

33.When are you going to enter USA? 你打算什么时候去美国?

34.Where are going to live? 你打算住在哪里?

35.Does your university require you to take ESL? 你的学校要求参加ESL课程吗?

36.What oes the ESL mean? ESL是什么意思?

37.Is this your first trip to the embassy? 这是你第一次来大使馆吗?

38.When i you arrive to the US consulate? 你什么时候到达美国大使馆?

39.Are you confuse? 你感到很困惑吗?

40.Are you fit an well enough to be interviewe? /Are you fit enough to be interviewe? 你准备好面试了吗?

41.Is this your application form? /Is this you non-immigrate visa application form? 这是你的(非移民)申请表吗?

42.What is another name for your non-immigrate visa application from? 非移民签证申请表的另一个名字是?

43.Is this your D-S form? 这是你的D-S表?

44.Di you rea the form? 你已经读了这份表格了吗?

45.Di you fill in/complete your D-S form? 你填完D-S表了吗?

46.Is this your I-20 form? 这是你的I-20表?

47.Di you fill out your I-20 form? 你填完I-20表了吗?

48.Have you signe your I-20 form yet? 在I-20表上签名了吗?

49.How long o you want to stay in USA? /What is the maximum time you want to stay in USA? /How long o you nee a visa for? /How long will you stuy in USA? 你打算在美国待多久?

50.What type of visa o you nee? 你需要那种签证?

51.Do you know anyone who has been refuse a visa to America or any other country? 你认识被美国或其他国家拒签过的人吗?

52.Have you ever been refuse a visa? 你曾经被拒签过吗?

53.Are you a member of any political parties? 你是政党的成员吗?

54.Have you ever applie for a visa to another country? 你向其他国家申请过签证吗?

55.Is this your first time applying for a visa? 这是你第一次申请签证吗?

56.Are you traveling alone? 你是自己一个人去吗?

57.Are you traveling with someone else? 你和其他人一起去吗?

58.Are any of your relatives in USA? /Do you have any relatives in the Unite States? Is anyboy in your family outsie of China now? 你在美国有亲戚吗?

59.Is anyone of your family in the other country? 你的家人有在其他国家的吗?

60.1).Have you ever been to nations asie of china? 你出国过吗?

2).Have you ever travele outsie of China?

3).Have you ever gone abroa?

4).Have you ever travele other nations?

61.Do you know anyone who intens to travel to USA? 你认识其他想去美国的人吗?

62.Is this your first time going out of china? 这是你第一次出国吗?

63.Have you got any scholarship? /Di your school offer you scholarship? 你的学校提供奖学金给你吗?

64.May I see your transcript? /Can I look at your transcript? /I nee to see your transcript? 我能看看你的成绩单吗?

65.How many hours per-week will you stuy? /How much o you plan to stuy? /How long will you stuy every week? 你每周学习几个小时?

66.How i you prepare the interview? /Have you prepare the interview? 你是怎么准备签证的?

67.How long have you prepare your visa interview? 你为了签证准备了多长时间?

68.Do you want American Citizenship? 你想要美国公民资格吗?

69.Will you immigrate? 你想要移民吗?

70.Will your return to China on holiays? 你假期回中国吗?

71.On your holiays o you plan to see any sites in American? 在假期中你打算在美国去看一些城市吗?

72.If I can't give you a visa toay / If I refuse your visa /If I on’t believe you are stuent /If I say I think you want immigrate /If I on't believe your paper work is real, what will you o? 如果我拒签你,你将怎么做?

73.Who o you think has been the best presient in American history? 你认为美国历史上最伟大的领导人是谁?

74.Who o you think has been greatest leaer in the worl? 你认为世界上最伟大的领导人是谁?

75.Do you think you can grauate from this university? 你觉得你会毕业嘛?

76.How o you support yourself uring your stuies in the Unite States?

77.What's your hobby? / What o you usually o in your spare time? 你的兴趣爱好是什么?

78.Tell about your favorite movie/book/star….

79.Tell me about your hometown.



  1. 看了看照片看了看我说:你整容了?我说:没。他:眼睛看起来不一样?我也不知道双眼皮贴用英语怎么说,就立马噌一下把双眼皮胶带撕下来给他看,他就惊呆了。


  1. 校边上那个92号公路谁修的你知道么(内心在滴血,这我怎么知道?肯定死定了)他:出了校门就是呢,然后就have a goo summer。(⊙﹏⊙b汗)

  2. 你是去这个学校吗?还没等我开口,他:拿着你剩下的材料回去吧。啊!事情发生的好突然,我以为我被拒了,结果我水过了。

  3. 他:有没有男票,我说:有。他:你们接吻么? 我:额。。。(很尴尬)他:你出国了那你男票怎么办。。。(这也要管?)


7.我:Goo morning,I am applying for F1 visa to stuy in XXX. Balabla. 签证官不搭理我,一个劲儿的敲电脑, 为了避免尴尬,我继续balabala。然后签证官拿走申请材料,又一个劲儿的敲电脑,我继续balabala,然后签证官:have a nice trip!我过了。。。。。。


9.他:为什么你这么美? 我竟无言以对


11.问我“o u like fish”,我以为问我喜不喜欢吃鱼我就说很喜欢很好吃。结果他告诉我他是想跟我说亚特兰大的水族馆很好看。

12.为什么你的托福98分还没过学校的语言要求???98分???98分啊!!!That's crazy!!!”然后疯了一样跟周围两个窗口的签证官重复了三遍。

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