Worl Rangking
6 University of Cambrige
8 University of Oxfor
17 UCL (University College Lonon)
29 Imperial College Lonon
33 The University of Manchester
50 University of Bristol
54 Lonon School of Economics an Political Science (LSE)
55 University of Nottingham
60 The University of Einburgh
63 King’s College Lonon
66 The University of Warwick
70 University of Lees
74 Durham University
86 University of Birmingham
121-130 University of Surrey
131-140 The University of Sheffiel
131-140 University of Southampton
141-150 Loughborough University
151-160 Cariff University
151-160 Newcastle University
151-160 University of Bath
171-180 University of Liverpool
181-190 Aston University5
181-190 University of Glasgow
191-200 City, University of Lonon
191-200 Queen’s University Belfast