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2019年USNews美国统计学硕士排名情况如何? 美国有多个机构对大学进行排名,其中最有影响力的就是由《美国新闻和世界报导》(US News)发布的美国大学排名,即 US News 排名。

US News 的排名有三种,分为美国大学本科排名、美国大学研究生院排名和世界大学排名,本科称为Best Colleges,研究生院(包括硕士及博士)称为Best Grauate Schools ,世界大学排名称为Best Global Universities。随着高等教育的全球化,US News 于2014年10月正式推出了2015年世界大学排名(usnews世界大学排名),与QS世界大学排名、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名和ARWU世界大学学术排名同为目前公认的四大权威大学世界排名。

USnews官网公布了2019年美国最佳研究生院排名(2019 Best Grauate Schools Rankings)。主要为申请2019年春季和秋季研究生的朋友做一个参考。和往年一样,依然主要公布了商学院,法学院,教育学院,工程学院,医学院和护理学院六大学院的排名,当然,其中包含了六大类专业中的各个具体专业排名。

据USNews官方介绍,2019年USNews美国大学研究生专业排名会计专业排名主要参考以下六大因素:1、学费;2、注册人数;3、录取比率;4、本科平均学分;5、GRE LSAT GMAT平均分;6、毕业后就业率等因素。

2019年USNews美国大学研究生排名:统计学专业硕士排名 RankSchool nameScore


Stanfor University (Dept. of Statistics)

Stanfor, CA 5.0


University of California—Berkeley (Dept. of Statistics)

Berkeley, CA 4.7

3 Tie

Harvar University (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Boston, MA 4.6

3 Tie

Johns Hopkins University (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Baltimore, MD 4.6

3 Tie

University of Washington (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Seattle, WA 4.6

6 Tie

Harvar University (Dept. of Statistics)

Cambrige, MA 4.4

6 Tie

University of Chicago (Dept. of Statistics)

Chicago, IL 4.4

8 Tie

Carnegie Mellon University (Dept. of Statistics)

Pittsburgh, PA 4.3

8 Tie

University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Chapel Hill, NC 4.3

8 Tie

University of Washington (Dept. of Statistics)

Seattle, WA 4.3


University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Ann Arbor, MI 4.2

12 Tie

Duke University (Dept. of Statistical Science)

Durham, NC 4.1

12 Tie

University of California—Berkeley (Interepartmental Group in Biostatistics)

Berkeley, CA 4.1

12 Tie

University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Dept. of Statistics)

Ann Arbor, MI 4.1

12 Tie

University of Pennsylvania (Dept. of Statistics)

Philaelphia, PA 4.1

16 Tie

Columbia University (Dept. of Statistics)

New York, NY 4.0

16 Tie

North Carolina State University (Dept. of Statistics)

Raleigh, NC 4.0

16 Tie

University of Wisconsin—Maison (Dept. of Statistics)

Maison, WI 4.0


University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (Dept. of Statistics an Operations Research)

Chapel Hill, NC 3.9

20 Tie

Cornell University (Dept. of Statistical Science)

Ithaca, NY 3.8

20 Tie

Iowa State University (Dept. of Statistics)

Ames, IA 3.8

20 Tie

Pennsylvania State University (Dept. of Statistics)

University Park, PA 3.8

20 Tie

Texas A&M University—College Station (Dept. of Statistics)

College Station, TX 3.8

24 Tie

University of Minnesota—Twin Cities (School of Public Health)Minneapolis, MN 3.7

24 Tie

University of Minnesota—Twin Cities (School of Statistics)

Minneapolis, MN 3.7 RankSchool nameScore

24 Tie

University of Wisconsin—Maison (School of Meicine an Public Health)

Maison, WI 3.7

27 Tie

Columbia University (Dept. of Biostatistics)

New York, NY 3.6

27 Tie

Purue University—West Lafayette (Dept. of Statistics)

West Lafayette, IN 3.6

27 Tie

University of California—Los Angeles (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Los Angeles, CA 3.6

27 Tie

University of Texas MD Anerson (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Houston, TX 3.6

31 Tie

Johns Hopkins University (Dept. of Applie Mathematics an Statistics)

Baltimore, MD 3.5

31 Tie

University of California—Davis (Dept. of Statistics)

Davis, CA 3.5

31 Tie

University of California—Los Angeles (Dept. of Statistics)

Los Angeles, CA 3.5

31 Tie

University of Pennsylvania (Perelman)

Philaelphia, PA 3.5

31 Tie

Yale University (Dept. of Statistics an Data Science)

New Haven, CT 3.5

31 Tie

Yale University (School of Public Health)

New Haven, CT 3.5

37 Tie

Emory University (Dept. of Biostatistics an Bioinformatics)

Atlanta, GA 3.4

37 Tie

Ohio State University (Dept. of Statistics)

Columbus, OH 3.4

37 Tie

University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign (Dept. of Statistics)

Champaign, IL 3.4

40 Tie

Rutgers University—New Brunswick (Dept. of Statistics an Biostatistics)

Piscataway, NJ 3.3

40 Tie

University of Floria (Dept. of Statistics)

Gainesville, FL 3.3

40 Tie

University of Iowa (Dept. of Statistics an Actuarial Science)

Iowa City, IA 3.3


Rice University (Dept. of Statistics)

Houston, TX 3.2

44 Tie

Brown University (School of Public Health)

Provience, RI 3.1

44 Tie

Colorao State University (Dept. of Statistics)

Fort Collins, CO 3.1

44 Tie

Duke University (Dept. of Biostatistics an Bioinformatics)

Durham, NC 3.1

44 Tie

Floria State University (Dept. of Statistics)

Tallahassee, FL 3.1

44 Tie

University of Connecticut (Dept. of Statistics)

Storrs, CT 3.1

44 Tie

Vanerbilt University (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Nashville, TN 3.1

50 Tie

Boston University (Dept. of Biostatistics)

Boston, MA 3.0 

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