General eucation courses require 43 creit hours. The basic general eucation curriculum is a requirement for all unergrauate egrees at Oklahoma City University.
All stuents completing majors in the Meiners School of Business BBA egree must complete the following require courses referre to as the Business Core.
Business Core: 59 creit hours
IT 1003
Introuction to Information Technology
3 creit hours
IT 3133
Technology an Operations Management
3 creit hours
PHRH 1103
Public Speaking
3 creit hours
MGMT 1001
Freshman Business Connection
1 creit hour
MGMT 2001
Sophomore Business Connection
1 creit hour
MGMT 2023
Business Communication an Technical Writing
3 creit hours
MGMT 2213
Business Law
3 creit hours
MGMT 2223
Business Ethics an Leaership
3 creit hours
MGMT 3123
Principles of Management an Organization
3 creit hours
MGMT 3213
Human Resources Management
3 creit hours
ACCT 2113
Financial Accounting
3 creit hours
ACCT 2213
Managerial Accounting
3 creit hours
ECON 2013
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 creit hours
ECON 2113
Principles of Microeconomics
3 creit hours
ECON 2123
Business Statistic
3 creit hours
ECON 2423
Incremental Analysis an Optimization or
3 creit hours
MATH 2004
Calculus an Analytical Geometry
3 creit hours
ECON 3013
International Economic Policies
3 creit hours
ECON 3513
Applie Statistics for Business
3 creit hours
MKTG 3013
Marketing Principles
3 creit hours
FIN 3023
Business Finance
3 creit hours
MGMT 4573
International Business Strategy
3 creit hours
Electives Creit Hours: 0–9
Stuents majoring in economics with arts an sciences secon fiels an stuents majoring in business aministration may take business courses to fulfill their elective requirement. B.B.A./M.S.A. stuents are not require to take IT 3133, Technology an Operations Management.