GRE真题核心词Chapter 1
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GRE真题核心词Chapter 1


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In a temperate region of the world, a theoristnamed Varian theorized about the  variable variance in temperatures. The variety in data seemed to frequently ignore traditionalist theories, which caused a stir in the scientific community. Varian, however, was not deterred. The experimental evidence appeared to support
his claim, despite conventional understanding. 

He documented his experimentation meticulously, creating a mass of evidence that contributed significantly to the field. Varian's contribution was frequently met with a response of disregard, as it tended to challenge the conventionalities of science. Many theorists argued that his approach was tendentious, favoring his own theories
over tradition. 

Varian, however, tempered his reaction to these claims. He understood the frequent tendency of humans to resist change, a reflection of their attachment to tradition. Regardless, he continued his work, experimenting with different frequencies of currents to prove his theoretical claim. 

The technical details of his work were often misunderstood. Yet, the events of his research provided reasons for the scientific community to reflect on their own understandings. Despite the decline in initial support, Varian remained a steadfast contributor, revealing the importance of constant evolution in technology and science. 

Word List

  1. variable [ˈvɛriəbəl] adj./n.可变的;可变量
  2. variance [ˈvɛriəns] n.差异;不一致;变化
  3. variety [vəˈraɪəti] n.多样性;种类
  4. vary [ˈvɛri] v.变化;改变
  5. claim [kleɪm] v./n.声称;索赔;主张
  6. appear [əˈpɪr] v.出现;显露
  7. regard [rɪˈɡɑrd] v./n.注视;关心;尊重
  8. decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v./n.下降;婉拒;衰退
  9. temperate [ˈtɛmpərɪt] adj.温和的;适度的
  10. temperature [ˈtɛmpərətʃər] n.温度
  11. tempered [ˈtɛmpərd] adj.调节的;回火的
  12. account [əˈkaʊnt] n./v.帐户;说明;账目;考虑
  13. mass [mæs] n.大量;质量
  14. region [ˈriːdʒən] n.区域;地区
  15. theoretical [ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl] adj.理论的;假设的
  16. theory [ˈθiəri] n.理论;学说
  17. theorist [ˈθiərɪst] n.理论家
  18. theorize [ˈθiəraɪz] v.建立理论;假设
  19. ignore [ɪɡˈnɔr] v.忽视;不理会
  20. contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v.贡献;捐助
  21. contribution [ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃən] n.贡献;捐款
  22. contributor [kənˈtrɪbjətər] n.贡献者;投稿人
  23. tend [tɛnd] v.倾向;趋向
  24. tendency [ˈtɛndənsi] n.倾向;趋势
  25. tendentious [tɛnˈdɛnʃəs] adj.有偏见的;偏见导向的
  26. response [rɪˈspɒns] n.回应;反应
  27. convention [kənˈvɛnʃən] n.会议;惯例;习俗
  28. conventional [kənˈvɛnʃənl] adj.传统的;常规的
  29. conventionality [kənˌvɛnʃəˈnæləti] n.传统;习俗
  30. experiment [ɪkˈspɛrɪmənt] n./v.实验;试验
  31. experimental [ɪkˌspɛrɪˈmɛntəl] adj.实验的;试验性的
  32. experimentation [ɪkˌspɛrɪmɛnˈteɪʃən] n.实验;试验
  33. frequent [ˈfriːkwənt] adj./v.频繁的;经常发生的;常去
  34. frequently [ˈfriːkwəntli] adv.频繁地;经常地
  35. frequency [ˈfriːkwənsi] n.频率;次数
  36. technical [ˈtɛknɪkəl] adj.技术的;专业的
  37. technological [ˌtɛknəˈlɒdʒɪkəl] adj.技术的;科技的
  38. technology [tɛkˈnɒlədʒi] n.技术;科技
  39. tradition [trəˈdɪʃən] n.传统;习俗
  40. traditionalist [trəˈdɪʃənəlɪst] n.传统主义者

  41. traditionally [trəˈdɪʃənəli] adv.传统上;依照传统地

  42. understand [ˌʌndərˈstænd] v.理解;明白

  43. understandable [ˌʌndərˈstændəbl] adj.可理解的;可理解地

  44. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj./n.当前的;流行的;电流;趋势

  45. currently [ˈkʌrəntli] adv.目前;当前

  46. event [ɪˈvɛnt] n.事件;活动

  47. reason [ˈriːzən] n./v.原因;理由;推理

  48. reflect [rɪˈflɛkt] v.反射;反思

  49. reflection [rɪˈflɛkʃən] n.反射;沉思

  50. reflective [rɪˈflɛktɪv] adj.反思的;反射的

  51. document [ˈdɒkjʊmənt] n./v.文件;记录;证明

  52. documentary [ˌdɒkjʊˈmɛntəri] adj./n.纪录片的;纪实的;纪录片

  53. documentation [ˌdɒkjʊmɛnˈteɪʃən] n.文件;文件编制

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