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The MFA in Interactive Media is a three-year intensive program that requires 50 units of which 26 are requirements and 24 are electives chosen from a number of core area groupings. Students must take at least 6 units of expression studios, studying a breadth of skills involved in creating Interactive Media, at least 2 units of professionalization electives, 2 units of electives building technical skills and another 6 units of electives crafting a specialization in the field. Eight units of electives are totally open for exploration across the university. Two-thirds of the total units applied to the degree must be taken at the 500-level, so at least 12 500-level elective units must be taken. Students are expected to engage in an internship or professional work environment during the summer following their second semester. Students are required to complete an advanced interactive project which they design and produce in CTIN 594a and CTIN 594b Master’s Thesis.

USC南加州大学Interactive Media 交互媒体专业开设在南加大电影学院下,作为全美第一个设立电影艺术学士专业的大学,南加州大学USC不仅是一所名副其实的世界顶尖院校,南加大电影学院更培养出无数的电影传奇人才。南加大USC电影学院自1929年成立至今,一直坚持电影理论与实践相结合的方式来让学生们掌握相关知识和经验。这里是一个充满活力的大熔炉,这里的老师和学生们将他们的梦想转化为新的艺术、思想和艺术运动,学校课程从欧洲、亚洲、非洲、美洲等不同地区为大家提供探索拓展和创造的潜力。该项目旨在为学生在互动娱乐这一新兴领域的创造性职业做好准备。虽然该程序不需要高级计算机功能,但建议您熟悉并熟悉基于计算机的创作和制作/后期制作工具。交互式媒体的创建需要结合传统电影和电视媒体的技能,以及深入了解互动对体验质量的影响。因此,我们强调并鼓励在其他电影艺术项目中与学生合作。


Year One, First Semester

CTIN 534L Experiments in Interactivity I Units: 4

CTIN 541 Design for Interactive Media Units: 4

Expression Studio - 2 units

Electives - 2 units

Year One, Second Semester

CNTV 530 Cinematic Ethics Units: 1

CTCS 505 Survey of Interactive Media Units: 2

CTIN 544 Experiments in Interactivity II Units: 2

Expression Studio - 2 units

Technical Skill - 2 units

Electives - 0 to 2 units

Year Two, First Semester

CTIN 532L Interactive Design and Production I Units: 4

Expression Studio - 2 units

Electives - 4 to 6 units

Year Two, Second Semester

CTIN 542 Interactive Design and Production II Units: 2

CTIN 548 Preparing the Interactive Project Units: 2

Professionalization/Specialization/Electives - 4 to 6 units

Year Three, First Semester

CTIN 594a Master’s Thesis Units: 2

Specialization - 2 to 4 units




USC Graduate Application for Admission

Official Academic Transcripts

Official English Proficiency Test Scores

Financial Documentation

Letters of Recommendation


Cinematic Arts Personal Statement

Creative Portfolio List

Project Question

Creative Work Sample

English Test


1.Cinematic Arts Personal Statement (Must be uploaded in PDF format only)

The Cinematic Arts Personal Statement is an opportunity to express your ideas about and interest in Interactive Entertainment, help us to understand your background and creative potential, and explain why you would like to study interactive media production at the School of Cinematic Arts. This statement will be read by the admissions committee as a measure of creativity, self-awareness and vision. Your statement should give the committee a sense of your long-term goals and artistic ambitions. It should answer the questions: "Who are you as a person? What are you trying to say, using interactive media? Why do you want to attend the Interactive Entertainment Program? What are your career/professional/artistic goals?"

2.Project Question (Must be uploaded in PDF format only)

Describe a project that you worked on with multiple collaborators that let you feeling proud and fulfilled. Discuss your role in the project and explain why this collaboration was successful. Then, describe another collaborative project that left you unsatisfied. Discuss your role in the project and explain why this collaboration frustrated you. Finally, summarize what you learned from each of these experiences and describe the lessons you learned that inspire your future collaborations. (No more than two pages)

3.Creative Work Sample (Upload in Portfolio section)

The creative work sample represents your best or most relevant work. Choose a major piece of work that you are extremely proud of for your creative sample. If you have completed a game or animation project, you should strongly consider including this. Otherwise this work might be digital or analog, it or may be a film, photo essay, script or story. For visual art, you may submit a small selection of pieces. Make sure your piece is easily viewable by the admissions committee. If you are uncertain that your software will run, include screenshots and a video play-through just in case.

4.Creative Work Sample Question (Must be uploaded in PDF format only)

Tell us how your creative sample displays innovation and artistry. How does it challenge expectations, attempt to solve problems, or investigate new ground? What did you learn from creating it?



Fall:November 15th


该专业当下比较火热,通常会在人机交互(HCI)和使用AR / VR的教育或培训模拟的沉浸式系统等领域运用。

1.影视动画工业行业: 特效和工具脚本的开发工作,基本后期和剪辑工作。前者可能会涉及复杂软件多一些,例如Catana、Nuke和Houdini等,后者可能涉及行业可能以广告、设计和新媒体相关为主,主要是使用平面剪辑和设计软件进行片子处理。

2.数字产品和交互相关: 程序员。前端、客户端、java运维、引擎开发基本都包括在内,以技术开发为主 3、交互设。这个岗位多数是给艺术类和文科类学生准备,但是,新兴的媒体交互,例如VR公司的交互设计,自动驾驶的交互,人工智能和机器人的交互,这些数字媒体专业的学生也是都可以的。

3.新媒体艺术行业: 沉浸式设备的技术支持。国内新媒体艺术平台和展演正在蓬勃发展,艺术创作同样需要技术支持,这里的支持有点像技术开发和实现,更多是现场的。再有像营销和规划类,新媒体艺术展演需要展览设计,技术规划,这方面可能艺术与科技专业最合适。

4.游戏行业: 技术美术应该是最近比较火的了,需要注意技术美术是比较偏技术的,不懂技术难上手,还有像游戏策划和运营也都是可以的。


金吉列 www.jjl.cn

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