美国五角大楼官员当地时间8月27日表示,日前 在红海被胡塞武装击中的“苏尼翁”号油轮 ,目前仍在起火燃烧,并且有迹象显示这艘油轮正在漏油 。美方获悉,有第三方试图使用拖船救援“苏尼翁”号油轮,但是遭到胡塞武装的袭击警告而被迫放弃救援。
Ocean Engineering. : A program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of systems to monitor, control, manipulate and operate within coastal or ocean environments, such as underwater platforms, flood control systems, dikes, hydroelectric power systems, tide and current control and warning systems, and communications equipment; the planning and design of total systems for working and functioning in water or underwater environments; and the analysis of related engineering problems such as the action of water properties and behavior on physical systems and people, tidal forces, current movements, and wave motion.