(show, reflect, provide, represent, convey, discern, denote, demonstrate)
- It is clear from thelimegraphabove that**the price of steel per ton has plummeted(v.快速下落) somewhat over thelast ten to fifteen years and that the value of' steel today has reached an all-time low.(开头描述总体趋势)
- The two bar graphs above reflectgrowth rates in urban populations from five major cities around the world in 1990and in 2004. It is evident when comparing these graphs thatsignificant increases in urban population have indeedoccurred.(用于对同一事物描述的不同时间的两幅图题的总体说明)
- It is clearly evident from the__piecharts above that firework accidents in Australia were recorded as having occurredin the same places both in 1995 and in 2000 at public display, family parties, pub celebrations, and in the case whereteenagers were playing with fire works unattended(交代具体分类)
- This line__graphshows some very interesting trends related to(=regarding) changes in international student enrollment in UK higher education. The three groups which are refleeted in this graphare others EU students, non-EU students.and all overseastudents.(说明三组数据形成的三条线所表示成分)
- Through the information that is provided in this table we can learnhow different occupation rate in terms ofstress levels on a 0-10 measurement scale: 10 being the highest level of'stress.(对数据的详细描述)
- By briefly glancing at this lime__graph, it is apparent that there were major shifts in employment patterns in South Korea between the years 1960 and 2000
- The bar chart above shows the number of crown court cases held in the UK from 1996 to 2002. According to theinformation in the graph, crown court cases typically fall into the following three categories: committals for trail.committals for sentence and appeals from magistrates against conviction or sentence.(细述分类)
- According to(=in accordance with) the graphic data, we can discern that land used for industry sectors is quite evenly spread in the..
- What is notable, however,is that the ratio of accidents occurring in the different places has shifted quite dramatically in some instances(n.实例,情况,场合)