Tudor Hall School 都铎堂女校
Day and Boarding
建立时间:1850 年
地理位置:牛津郡 Banbury 小镇,距离牛津市中心约 45 分钟车程,距离希斯罗机场约 1 小时 15 分钟,位于 英国的 Wykham park 公园内;
学校面积:46 英亩左右 在校人数:350 人左右
寄宿生比例:大概 70%
学生年龄:11-18 岁
国际生主要入学年级:Y7,Y9,Y12(Occasionally, places are available in Year 8 and Year 10)
入学申请:Registration for 11+ and 13+ entry can be completed at any stage but should be received by January of Year 5 (i.e., two years prior to entry for 11+ and four years prior to entry for 13+). Applications for 16+ entry should be submittedbythe end of the Autumn Term of the year prior to entry. Tudor Hall School offers a range of scholarships at 11+, 13+ and 16+ in recognition of an individual’s potential in a particular discipline
入学考试:International applicants are required to sit an entrance assessment in Maths and Englishbefore having an interview with the Deputy Head Academic
开设课程:Y7-Y9, GCSE, A Level (可接受少量短期 one term 插读,11+,12+,13+)
入学季:9 月
费用:申请费£300 全寄宿费用£45,900/年(官网 2023/24 数据,具体以 offer 为准)
地址:Tudor Hall, Wykham Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9UR