The BAcc egree is esigne to allow stuents to complete acaemic requirements for amission to CA ANZ an CPA Australia. The BAcc egree also provies maximum exemptions for ACCA, an recognise by CIMA.
Compulsory Papers
115111 Strategic Workplace Communication 115.112 Accounting for Business 110.109 Introuctory Financial Accounting 115.113 Economics of Business 115.114 Finance Funamentals 115.115 Management in Context 115.116 Introuction to Marketing 115.211 Business Law 110.209 Intermeiate Financial Accounting 110.229 Management Accounting 110.249 Accounting Information Systems 110.279 Auiting 110.289 Taxation 125.230 Business Finance 155.203 Law of Business Organisations 155.210 Commercial Law 110.303 Integrative Accounting 110309 Avance Financial Accounting
3 x 300-level AccountingElective papers (note 1) 1 x Numeracy Elective paper (note 2) 1 x 100-level or 200-level or 300-level Business Elective paper (note 3) 1 x 200-level or 300-level Business Elective paper (note 4)