- 纯粹数学(Pure Mathematics)
- 代数学(Algebra)
- 群论(Group Theory)
- 环论(Ring Theory)
- 域论(Field Theory)
- 代数几何(Algebraic Geometry)
- 分析学(Analysis)
- 微积分(Calculus)
- 实分析(Real Analysis)
- 复分析(Complex Analysis)
- 泛函分析(Functional Analysis)
- 几何学(Geometry)
- 欧几里得几何(Euclidean Geometry)
- 非欧几何(Non-Euclidean Geometry)
- 拓扑学(Topology)
- 微分几何(Differential Geometry)
- 数论(Number Theory)
- 算术几何(Arithmetic Geometry)
- 代数数论(Algebraic Number Theory)
- 解析数论(Analytic Number Theory)
- 逻辑学(Logic)
- 数学逻辑(Mathematical Logic)
- 集合论(Set Theory)
- 模型论(Model Theory)
- 2. 应用数学(Applied Mathematics)
- 运筹学与优化理论(Operations Research/Optimization)
- 微分方程和动力系统(Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems)
- 随机系统和控制理论(Stochastic Control Theory/Stochastic Systems Theory)
- 精算和金融数学(Actuarial/Financial Mathematics)
- 数学物理(Mathematical Physics)
- 生物数学(Math Biology)
- 科学计算(Scientific Computing)
- 概率论和统计(Probability and Statistics)
- 3.计算数学(Computational Mathematics)
- 数值分析(Numerical Analysis)
- 计算机图形学(Computer Graphics)
- 符号计算(Symbolic Computation)
- 并行计算(Parallel Computing)
- 4.统计学和概率论(Statistics and Probability)
- 描述统计(Descriptive Statistics)
- 推断统计(Inferential Statistics)
- 概率论(Probability Theory)
- 随机过程(Stochastic Processes)
- 数理统计(Mathematical Statistics)