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美国综排Top50院校中,共有13所学校开设了15个市场营销 (Marketing) 相关硕士项目,其中:以哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University) 的MS in Marketing Science和西北大学 (Northwestern University)的Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications两项目

美国综排 Top50 院校中,共有 13 所学校开设了 15 个市场营销 (Marketing) 相关硕士项目,其中:以哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University) 的 MS in Marketing Science 和西北大学 (Northwestern University) 的 Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications 两项目最富盛名。 15 个市场营销硕士项目介绍如下:

杜克大学 US News #7

❖ Master of Quantitative Management (MQM)

Business Analytics-Marketing Track ❖

项目时长: 10 months for full-time study

项目学费: $68,200*

所在院系: Fuqua School of Business

申请要求: Average GPA3.55, GMAT 640-750; GRE; TOEFL or IELTS. You must have earned, or expect to earn, a bachelor's degree in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, business, economics, or an equivalent quantitative major by the start of the program.

招生人数: 137

特别备注: STEM 项目

西北大学 US News #9

 ❖ Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications ❖

项目时长: 15 months for full-time study

项目学费: $93,720*

所在院系: Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications

申请要求: GRE or GMAT TOEFL or IELTS ;录取者本科背景 Communications, Journalism, Business, Marketing, English, Economics, Advertising, International Relations ,可以添加微信 liuxue361, 我会详细介绍。

招生人数: 123

约翰霍普金斯大学 US News #9

 ❖ MS in Marketing ❖

项目时长: 1 year for full-time study

项目学费: $71,600*

所在院系: Carey Business School


招生人数: 100+

范德堡大学 US News #14 ❖ Master of Marketing ❖

项目时长: 10 months for full-time study

项目学费: $58,400*

所在院系: Owen Graduate School of Management

申请要求: 3.56, GRE306, Class of 2019 录取的学生中没有人来自中国的大学。 Applicants should also have proven creative and analytical aptitude and exceptional communication skills.

招生人数: 20 人左右, 73% 女生

哥伦比亚大学 #US News #12

❖ MS in Marketing Science ❖

项目时长: 1 year for full-time study

项目学费: $68,706*

所在院系: Columbia Business School

申请要求: Average GMAT Quantitative 50 Average GMAT Verbal 38 Average GMAT Total: 726; Average GRE Quantitative: 165 Average GRE Verbal: 159; Average TOEFL Total: 108; IELTS; Average Undergrad GPA: 3.85.

招生人数: 2018 Entering Class Applications Received: 338 Applications Accepted: 20 Acceptance Rate: 6% Entering Class Size: 16

特别备注: STEM 项目

康奈尔大学 US News #12

 ❖ MPS in Applied Economics and Management Applied Behavioral Economics and Individual Choice (ABEIC) Concentration Tracks Behavioral Marketing ❖

项目时长: 1 year for full-time study

项目学费: $56,550*

所在院系: Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, SC Johnson College of Business

申请要求: GRE or GMAT TOEFL or IELTS ; a wide range of backgrounds: business, environmental studies, psychology, economics, public health, and other social studies.

招生人数: NA

圣路易斯华盛顿大学 US News #24

 ❖ MS in Business Analytics

项目时长: 1.5 years for full-time study

项目学费: $85,150*

所在院系: Olin Business School

申请要求: Average age: 23; Average GMAT: 725; Average GPA: 3.55; Average GRE-V: 157 Average GRE-Q: 167; Average TOEFL: 107, IELTS. Applicants to the Master of Science in Business Analytics program are required to have taken Calculus I and II and Statistics.

招生人数: 48 for Fall 2017, Women: 69%

特别备注: STEM 项目

弗吉尼亚大学 US News #24

❖ Master of Commerce - Marketing & Management Track ❖

项目时长: 10 months for full-time study

项目学费: $53,538*

所在院系: McIntire School of Commerce

申请要求: 3.1-3.8 , 580-730 ,国际学生 22% 。 The M.S. in Commerce Program is specifically designed for candidates who have graduated or who will be graduating within 18 months of matriculation with a strong liberal arts, science, or engineering undergraduate degree. Students who have an undergraduate major in business or equivalent coursework are not eligible to apply.

招生人数: 120-150 人 *40%=48-60 人

南加州大学 US News #28

 ❖ Master of Communication Management, Focus Marketing Communication ❖

项目时长: 1.5 years for full-time study

项目学费: $38,560*

所在院系: Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

申请要求:平均 GPA3.41 ,平均 GRE305 。

招生人数: 142, 女生 80%

❖ Master of Science in Marketing (Summer) ❖

项目时长: 1 year for full-time study

项目学费: $57,360*

所在院系: Marshall School of Business

申请要求: GRE or GMAT TOEFL or IELTS ; Average GMAT Score 648; Average TOEFL Score 104; Average Work Exp(in months) 28; Average GPA 3.48. The MS in Marketing Program offers two academic tracks: Analytics and Consumer Behavior 。学生需要五月前毕业。

招生人数: 52

纽约大学 US News #35

 ❖ M.S. in Integrated Marketing ❖

项目时长: 2 years for full-time study

项目学费: $8,3538*

所在院系: School of Professional Studies

申请要求: TOEFL or IELTS; GRE or GMAT Optional.

招生人数: NA

罗切斯特大学 US News #33 ❖ Master of Science in Marketing Analytics ❖

项目时长: 1-1.5 years for full-time study

项目学费: $67,250*

所在院系: Simon Business School

申请要求:平均 TOEFL 104 , TOEFL score of 100 with sub-scores in the mid-20s or a minimum IELTS score of 7.5 with sub scores of at least 7. Applicants should have taken some mathematics and/or statistics as undergraduates, and be ready for advanced statistical training in the program.

招生人数: 81 , 73% 女生

特别备注: STEM 项目

波士顿大学 US News #42 

 ❖ Master of Science in Global Marketing Management ❖

项目时长: 2 years for full-time study

项目学费: $68,400*

所在院系: Metropolitan College

申请要求: TOEFL 84, and minimum scores in each section as follows: Reading—21; Listening—18; Speaking—23; and Writing—22 ; IELTS 6.5, and minimum scores of 6.5 in each section.

招生人数: NA

❖ Mass Communication: Marketing Communication Research ❖

项目时长: 1.5 years for full-time study

项目学费: $54,720*

所在院系: College of Communication


招生人数: NA

得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 US News #32

 ❖ Master of Science in Marketing (Summer) ❖

项目时长: 10 months for full-time study

项目学费: $48,000*

所在院系: McCombs School of Business

申请要求: GRE or GMAT TOEFL or IELTS. Mathematical aptitude and demonstrated ability to handle quantitative material, Strong communication skills and motivation.

招生人数: 30 多人

特别备注: STEM 项目 

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