1. 盲目自学。
2. 盲目找/老师。
以口语为例,“When I'm teaching people to prepare the IELTTS speaking exam, what I often do is ask them how to structure and answer for part one. Then I might ask the student to try it at home and try some questions recording their answer and repeating, listening to the recording, developing self awareness, what am I doing and so on. And then we listen to it together.”
“And then I can give feedback about what is natural, what is good and what is not so good in my case, I'm a native speaker, from IELTS teaching experience and from IELTS examination experience. But the student on his or her own can listen for hesitation stuff like that. But it's difficult to know is this a natural phrase? Is this not.? Is this what people want? Is this not? So when I can give some feedback, then students can gain with self practice, try and incorporate those lessons in their self study.”
“It's not either or in my opinion, one way or another, you've got to get some input from outside yourself. And that input may come from random searches on the internet or it may come from somebody who you ask. Now, in my opinion, it is very difficult to improve your speaking skills significantly without any external support. If you do that, I think honestly that explains why people don't do as well as they could do. That doesn't mean some students might not do quite well, but I do definitely think they could have done better if they'd had some guidance.”
1. 最好不要完全依靠自学
"my suggestion is that it is better not to rely on self study entirely although self study will always be the backbone of everything you do. But you can get some guidance of what self study to do, practice the stuff that you've done and how to improve it. So those things would in theory make your self study more effective. So I'm saying, I give my points that learning with a good guide teacher, mentor and doing extensive well directed self study, not time wasting, well directed, ideally resemble directed by somebody who can show you what is necessary to do better, is the best way to get your best mark. That means whatever mark you get on your own, with this additional input and guidance and feedback, I think it's possible to do better. "
2. 自学的过程中,将自学专注在所学习的特定事物上,不要关注其他太多无关信息。
“Confine your self study to the the particular thing you're trying to learn not to more matter study thinking about the overall structure of the exam or where is a good place to take the exam or things like that. Focus on the things you need to know. Language, focus on language with your self study. And if you do get some external help, then make sure that you're getting it from the right kind of place or person. When I hear some of the things that my students tell me, that they've been told by teachers at different times or courses at different times, they are simply extraordinary.”
“you have to try to make sure if you're going to have some external advice, get it from a reliable source, just as if you are going to have an operation, you would like to check that the person doing the operation is qualified to do it. I would say the same. It’s quite as serious as an operation. If you're preparing for the IELTS exam, at least, and you do choose to have some advice or support or teaching what everyone to call it, try to make sure that you're getting it from a reliable source. And reliable really means that they are qualified. Take cases speaking for example, they would know what is natural language. They would know how to evaluate your answers, how natural are they, are they the type of answer which is what the examiner is looking for. This kind of thing. Maybe you could ask people to explain how they do that, or why they're qualified to do that. Of course, a bad guide is probably wasted their guide at all. That's why you must choose carefully. But I think if you try and combine the best of self study and the best of getting some guidance about what you're doing, then for the vast majority of people, that will be the best way to do your personal best.”