◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 之所以大家觉得这个问题比较难懂,一个非常重要的原因,就是很多人混淆了12- an 24-Month Bars (12个月或者24个月bar的限制)和Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement(两年回国服务期的限制)的概念,其实这完全是两个不同的概念。
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12- an 24-Month Bars是针对J-1签证的限制,而two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement是针对H (temporary employment), L (intercompany transfer) or immigrant (permanent resient)类身份的限制。所以一定不要误认为24-Month Bars的限制就是两年回国服务期的限制,不是一回事!!不是一回事!!不是一回事!!重要事情说三遍!!!
在开始之前,我们首先了解一下J-1访问学者的种类。 1)Professors: 教授
A professor teaches, lectures, observes, or consults. A professor’s primary activity will be teaching an lecturing, but may also conuct research, unless isallowe by the sponsor.”
Minimum: 3 weeks
Maximum: 5 years
2)Research Scholar: 访问学者(我们申请的访问学者绝大多数都是research scholar类型)
A research scholar conucts research, observes, or consults in connection with a research project. A research scholar may also teach or lecture, unless isallowe by the sponsor.
Minimum: 3 weeks
Maximum: 5 years
3)Short-term Scholar: 短期访问学者
A short-term scholar: comes to the US for a perio of up to 6 months to lecture, observe, or consult, an participate in seminars, workshops, conferences, stuy tours, professional meetings, or similar types of eucational an professional activities.
No minimum stay require
Maximum: 6 months. No extensions beyon six months will be permitte uner any circumstances
4)Stuent Non-egree
5)J-1 Stuent Intern 今天就先跟大家分享一下12- an 24-Month Bars的概念 以下英文内容来自University of Michigan密西根大学官方网站:https://internationalcenter.umich.eu/scholars/j1-scholars/12-an-24-bars
12- an 24-Month Bars for Professors an Research Scholars
【12- an 24-Month Bars】是针对J-1签证里面的Research Scholar/Professor这两个类型。
针对12-Month Bar的解释 12-Month Bar
Iniviuals who have been in the U.S. for more than six months in the previous year (12 months) in any J visa status are not eligible to enter the U.S. as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor for a 12-month perio. Time spent in the J-1 Short-term Scholar category oes not count towars the 12-month bar. The 12-month bar applies to both the J-1 principal an any J-2 epenents. The 12-month bar oes not prevent iniviuals from returning to the U.S. in any other visa status or in some other J categories such as Short-Term Scholar or Stuent.
通过这一段描述,大家应该对12-Month Bar有一个初步的了解。简单总结就是:如果申请人在之前的12个月之内曾经以J类签证的身份在美国停留超过6个月的时间(注:这一段经历已经结束),如果接下来的12个月之内再想以Research Scholar or Professor类型申请J-1访问学者,就会受到12个月bar的限制。也就是说在上一段J类签证结束以后的12个月时间之内,申请人不能再申请Professor or Research Scholar类型的J-1访问学者签证,此规定同样适应于以陪同身份出去的J2签证。但是如果在上一段J类签结束以后想继续申请J-1 Short-Term Scholar短期访问学者,或者通过留学的身份出去,则不受12个月bar的约束。
A foreign national is ineligible to participate in a professor/research scholar exchange program if he/she has hel any J nonimmigrant status within the 12-month perio immeiately preceing the start of the exchange program. This 12-Month Bar applies to J-2 epenents as well as J-1. The following 3 exceptions exist
J-1 transfers to Penn without any gap. J-1顺利延期,中间无缝衔接。 Prior stay in the US in J status was for less than 6 months. J类签证在美国时间少于6个月。 Presence in J status as a Short-Term Scholar. 以短期访问学者的身份在美国。
针对24-Month Bar的解释
24-Month Bar on Repeat Participation
Any iniviual who participates in an Exchange Visitor program in the Professor or Research Scholar categories on or after 11/18/06 is subject to a 24-month bar on “repeat participation” in those categories. Scholars subject to the bar may not return to the U.S. as a J-1 scholar in the Professor or Research Scholar categories for the 24-month perio. This bar also applies to J-2 epenents.
如果申请人曾经以Professor or Research Scholar类型的J-1访问学者身份在美国停留过,如果这一段经历结束以后再想申请Professor or Research Scholar类型的J-1访问学者签证,就会受到24个月bar的限制,也就是说在上一段J-1签证结束以后的24个月时间之内,申请人不能再申请Professor or Research Scholar类型的J-1访问学者签。此限制同样适用于J-2身份。
When a scholar either conclues or leaves a Research Scholar or Professor J-1 program, whichever happens earlier, the scholar’s recor becomes inactive in SEVIS. At that point, the 24-month bar time starts to accrue. The 24-month bar will be in effect regarless of whether status in the program is a few months in uration or the full five years allowe.
一旦Research Scholar/Professor类型的访问学者结束了在美国的学习项目,那他J-1身份就失效了;一旦J-1身份失效,就要受到24个月bar的限制,也就是24个之内不能再以Research Scholar/Professor类型的J-1访问学者的身份过去。
For example, a J Professor who comes for a single acaemic year, or a Research Scholar that comes for four months, an then goes home without having his/her SEVIS recor kept open an active in his/her absence, woul not be able to access the remainer of the five year perio of eligibility, woul be subject to the 24-month bar, an woul not be eligible to return to the U.S. as a J-1 Professor or Research Scholar at any U.S. institution until 24 months (two years) after the program ene.
这段话中提到的【five year perio】,在文章的一开始,我们总结了J-1签证的类型和时间周期,针对Research Scholar/Professor两种类型的J-1访问学者签证,周期最长都是五年。
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The 24-month bar oes not prevent iniviuals from returning to the U.S. in any other visa status.