US WEEKLY 2023年10月9日
1.约翰霍普金斯大学传媒硕士(MAin Communication)项目10月1日开通网申,国际生的国际学校的成绩单需要做认证。同时,需要提供writing sample,其要求如下:
As part of your application to the MA in Communication program, you are required to submit a writing sample. There are two options available to fulfill this requirement. Option A: You may submit a final paper from previous
coursework. The submission should be relevant to the field of Communication and should be written only by you, the applicant, (no co-authors or group projects).
Option B: You may submit a response to the application writing prompt (below). Your response should be no longer than a single page and should not require or use any exter- nal sources or citations.
Writing prompt for Option B:
Social, cultural, and technological changes have always im- pacted how we communicate. Looking toward the next five to ten years, discuss how you anticipate the needs and ex- pectations of communication professionals to change. What kinds of problems and opportunities should commu- nication professionals expect and how should we prepare for these uncertain developments?DUCATION
2.圣路易斯华盛顿大学金融硕士-数量金融(MSin Finance-
Quantitative Finance)项目要求2024秋申请季的申请者在网申内Academic History部分提供已经拿到及格分数的前置课程的相关信息。
广州:F类(非研究生)11月1日,F类(研究生/博士)11月1日, B类24年4月17日;