微电子电路设计 Microelectronic Circuit Design
集成电路研究方法与应用 Integrated Circuits Research Methodology and Applications
数字集成电路 Digital Integrated Circuits
数据转换器集成电路 Data Converter Integrated Circuits
灵活的交流输电系统 Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System
电源管理集成电路设计 Power Management Integrated Circuit Design
生物医学工程专题 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
高频高速无线/有线集成电路 High-Frequency and High-Speed Wireless/Wireline Integrated Circuit
模拟 IC 设计方法 Analog IC Design Methodology
机器学习和模拟加速器 Machine Learning and Analog Accelerators
接口微电子电路和传感器设计 Interface microelectronic circuits and sensors design
物联网微电子学 Microelectronics for the Internet of Things
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