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MS Degree in Ocean Engineering海洋工程硕士

Ocean engineering deals with the design of ships of all types. The field is often called naval architecture. It involves fluid mechanics, propulsion, structures, vehicle dynamics, and marine engineering. The curriculum culminates in an international award-winning design sequence in which students design a complete ship.


Master of Science Requirements: Thesis and (Non-Thesis)论文和非论文

  1. A minimum of 30 credit hours is required.

• For thesis students, up to 9 credit hours may be allotted for Research and Thesis (AOE 5994).

• For non-thesis students, up to 6 credit hours may be allotted for Project and Report (AOE 5904).

  1. A minimum of 15 credit hours (18 for non-thesis) of graded course work numbered 5000 and higher must be included in the Plan of Study. These credit hours do not include the AOE Seminar (AOE 5944), Research and Thesis (AOE 5994) hours, or Project and Report (AOE 5904) hours.

  2. A maximum of 6 credit hours of 5974 and 5984 is allowed.

  3. A maximum of 6 credit hours of approved 4000 level course work is allowed.

  4. Up to 50% of the courses on the Plan of Study may be transferred from a graduate program at another institution, subject to the approval of the Advisory Committee. Substitution of a transferred course for a specific required course is subject to the approval of the Graduate Program Director or a designee, usually the responsible instructor. Each transferred course must have a grade of B (3.0/4.0) or better.

  5. Breadth Requirement: All MS OE students are required to take at least one course each in the three disciplinary areas identified below. Fluid Mechanics

• AOE 5104, Advanced Aero and Hydrodynamics;

• AOE 5124, Aero and Hydroacoustics;

• AOE 5144, Boundary Layer Theory;

• AOE 5304, Advanced Naval Architecture. Dynamics and Control

• AOE 5334, Advanced Ship Dynamics;

• AOE 5444G, Advanced Dynamics of High-Speed Craft. Structures and Materials

• AOE 5024, Vehicle Structures;

• AOE 5074, Advanced Ship Structural Analysis.

  1. Math Requirement: All MS Students are required to take at least one course (of three credits or more) focused on graduate-level mathematics, statistics, or numerical methods. A sample list of courses satisfying this requirement is given in Appendix B. The MS Advisory Committee can approve other courses that have majority of their learning outcomes on advanced mathematics, statistics, or numerical methods. 8. Non-thesis MS OE students must take at least two of the following courses:

• AOE 5074, Advanced Ship Structural Analysis;

• AOE 5084, Submarine Design;

• AOE 5304, Advanced Naval Architecture;

• AOE 5314, Naval and Marine Engineering System Design;

• AOE 5324, Principles of Naval Engineering;

• AOE 5334, Advanced Ship Dynamics;

• AOE 5444G, Advanced Dynamics of High-Speed Craft

Ocean Engineering Facilities Introduction设施介绍

Faculty and students in the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering are conducting word-class research, and we have the facilities and resources to support them.

Our experimental facilities, which are equipped with advanced instrumentation and high-performance computing resources, include

l Laboratories for experimental aeroacoustics, hydro-elasticity, and hydrodynamics

l Laboratories for marine robotics

l Laboratories for spacecraft design and simulation

l Simulators for plasma and propulsion systems

l Simulators for space systems

l Subsonic, hypersonic, and supersonic wind tunnels

二、 申请相关

  • 成绩单:Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • 推荐信
  • 申请费:75$
  • Testing Requirements:TOEFLiBT90.0或IEITS6.5
  • we expect a minimum TOEFL score of 90 (IBT) or IELTS score of 6.5 for admission. Further, TOEFL scores of 20 or greater in Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading subsections are required. Some departments may require higher minimum scores.
  • GRE:GeneralVerbal 、Quantitative 、Analytical :
  • 截止日期:
  • Students seeking assistantships for funding should submit all required admissions materials by January 15 for full consideration.
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