Master of Commerce with a specialisation in Corporate Governance 企业管理硕士 - 目标企业家
l 简介: Created for professionals wanting to take on a governance or managerial role, the Corporate Governance specialisation looks at the processes, rules, relationships and systems that hold organisations and management accountable. Effective corporate governance is vital for brand reputation, value creation and risk mitigation – which is why governance skills are in demand around the globe. This postgraduate specialisation provides a foundation in corporate governance with an emphasis on the theory of governance, accountability and agency. 这个课程提供了企业管理的基础理论和实践,重点是治理,问责制和代理理论。
l 概况: 学制: 2 年;
入学时间: 2 月, 7 月
校区: North Ryde (Sydney)
l 入学要求: Australian level 7 bachelor's qualification or recognised equivalent GPA of 2.70 (out of 4.00) 雅思: 6.5 ( 6.0 )
l 实习: Internships
Earn credit towards the completion of your degree through a supervised workplace internship. Students who have completed one semester of postgraduate study can apply to take a supervised workplace internship in their second semester of study for credit. Internship numbers are limited and competitive! Partnerships are arranged on a best fit basis, where the needs of the organisation and the student are carefully matched and compared. 学生完成第一学期研究生课程之后,可以在第二学期申请参加学校组织的实习,并修到学分。 You will work under the guidance of a workplace mentor and are supported by an Internship Advisor from the University. The unit, BUS880 Business Internship will help set your degree apart as you gain real-life work experience. This unit will require you to complete 150 workplace hours and a number of academic assessments.