卡内基梅陇大学硕士申请,很多专业需要在网申系统中录制一个video essay视频。系统随机出题目,30秒看题,就开始录制视频。如下范例:
问题相对来讲都比较随机,什么都会有,有的会问你生活中的问题,问你最近在干什么事情,你读的书,你喜欢的设计师诸如此类。那么你的回答也不一定和学术相挂钩,不一定是体现专业性。那么在回答的时候,主要还是看大家的现场沟通,表现能力。所以一定要放松,遇到任何的问题,坦然面对。遇到没准备过的题,实在没辙:先说一两句自己的观点,然后简单解释下why,之后说例子for example, 自己给自己立人设,往准备过的事和人上套。最后总结,对申请项目怎么有利。
Describe the type of communication you prefer and why?
Tell us about your first-paid job, what did you learn from it?
What skills do you use when collaborating with others?
Share a piece of negative feedback you received and what you did about it?
How did your former teammates comment/describe you?
-What does success on a project means to you?
-What do you think is a good course project?
What helps you bounce back when things are going badly?
What kinds of decisions do you find difficult and why?
What skills do you use when collaborating with others?
Why do you want to study for a graduate level program?
What would you do if you were on a team where communication was breaking down?
how do you respond when your coworker challenge your idea?
描述describe once failed at something? Why? What do you learn from it?
Academical difficulty 学术上遇到的困难
What does a graduate level means to you?
Outside of school and work, what activity do you dedicate most of your time to? How will this help you with your graduate studies?
Outside of school and work, what is the activity you have committed yourself the most to? Why?
Please tell us about a time when you needed the assistance of a teammate to help you with a problem or project.