1 )即日起,迪肯大学护理学学士学位 Bachelor of Nursing 不再发放配语言课的 package offer ,申请人须考到雅思 7 分(各单项不低于 7 )或者同等英语水平方可申请( OET 各单项不低于 B / PTE 各单项不低于 65 分 / 托福 94 分,听力和阅读不低于 24 分,写作不低于 27 分,口语不低于 23 分)。
对于申请迪肯学院预科衔接课程的申请人,也同样要求开始预科课程学习之前达到雅思 7 分(各单项不低于 7 )。
2 ) 2023 年 T2 现有 60 个护理学本科名额,其中墨尔本伯伍德校区 40 个,吉朗校区 20 个。请注意 T2 开学仅适用于持有护士职业证书并申请学分减免(减免 16 个学分)就读一年制护理本科学位的申请者。
具体申请要求和配额请以 Admission 审核为准。
1) A decision has been made to no longer package ELICOS with the UG nursing suite of courses. As you know students cannot actually use ELICOS to meet the language requirement for nursing and even through the number of packaged offers issued are relatively small they have proved problematic. By not issuing packaged offers we are reducing the risk to the student and also to our quotas.
Deakin College also ensures that students have the required IELTS 7/7 prior to starting their Foundation studies to mitigate the risk to the students.
2) Good news. The faculty are offering an additional 60 places for T2, 2023 (Burwood 40, Geelong 20)! T2 is only available to registered nurses with 16 RPL.