Take matters into your own hands 自力更生
Cutting corners 偷工减料/走捷径/抄近路
Around the corner 不久之后
Take it all in 尽情欣赏/完全理解
A breeze 轻而易举/不费吹灰之力
As easy as pie 举手之劳
Child's play 小儿科
So full of it 一派胡言
Hit the road 上路、出发
To suck it up 忍辱负重
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Take matters into your own hands 自力更生
Cutting corners 偷工减料/走捷径/抄近路
Around the corner 不久之后
Take it all in 尽情欣赏/完全理解
A breeze 轻而易举/不费吹灰之力
As easy as pie 举手之劳
Child's play 小儿科
So full of it 一派胡言
Hit the road 上路、出发
To suck it up 忍辱负重