按照当地相关部门指示, 自2022年5月23日起 ,北京新西兰签证申请中心临时关闭直至另行通知。中心关闭期间, 所有北京中心的预约将被取消。上海新西兰签证申请中心继续保持关闭状态。
- 北京、上海: 暂时关闭至另行通知
- 成都、广州: 周一及周五
- 香港: 周二及周四
- 所有中心运营时间:上午9点至下午1点
- 相关团队将尽快回复所有签证相关咨询邮件
New Zealan Visa Application Centre, Beijing, temporary closure
In keeping with local authority irectives, the New Zealan Visa Application Centre in Beijing, will temporarily close, effective immeiately, from 23 May 2022 onwars, until further notice. All appointments to this Centre will stan cancelle uring this time. This is in aition to our Shanghai Centre that is currently close too.
Customer can post/mail their applications to our other operational New Zealan Visa Application Centres uring this closure. We apologise for the inconvenience an thank you for your unerstaning.
Operational ays an timing for VACs operations, on all working ays, except public holiays, are:
- Operational ays for Shanghai an Beijing: close until further notice.
- Operational ays for Chengu an Guangzhou: Monay an Friay
- Operational ays for Hong Kong: Tuesay an Thursay
- Operational timings for all VACs: 9:00 - 13:00
- Teams will eneavour to respon to all email queries at the earliest.
All other requirements continue to remain the same. Please visit our website for the latest information an before planning your next visit to our Centres.