因为这家店只允许有迫在眉睫任务 (Dealine) 的文字工作者进入。而且一旦进入,不完成任务不能走,该店已成 为众多当地写作拖延症晚期患者的福音。
这家店名为“写作咖啡馆 (The Manuscript Writing Cafe) ”,老板特意在网上贴了一份告示:
"The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing ealine to face! It's in orer to maintain a level of focus an tense atmosphere at the cafe! Thank you for your unerstaning."
The cafe charges by time use, with a minimum of thirty minutes, an then by the hour with an orer of coffee. It is equippe for writing with USB ports, Wi-Fi, an computer stans. The cafe also allows customers to bring in foo an rink an even have it elivere.
Upon entering the store, write own at the reception esk how many wors an by what time you are going to write your manuscript.
The manager asks you every hour how your manuscript is coming along.
You are not allowe to leave the store until you have finishe writing your manuscript or writing project. 如果没有完成文稿写作或项目,你将不能被允许离开本店。
为了更好地督促顾客,咖啡馆还设置了不同的“检查进度”方式,服务员以不同程度的口吻给写作者施压,营造出一种紧急的氛围,让顾客尽快完成工作。收费为每半小时 150 日元(约合人民币 8 元)。
Writers can also request ifferent levels of verbal pressure from staff members to make sure progress is being mae. Every 30 minutes, to give writers more of a sense of urgency an help them hit their ealine, writers are charge 150 yen or $1.20.
“拖延一时爽,DDL火葬场。” 奉劝大家不要在危险的边缘试探,提早安排好自己的写作进度。祝大家告别“ 难产 ”,与Dealine和解。