政策研究博士 Doctor of Policy Stuies (DPS)
国际高等教育与管理文学硕士 Master of Arts in International Higher Eucation an Management (IHEM)
组织心理学与教育管理社会科学硕士 Master of Social Sciences in Organisational Psychology an Eucation Management (OPEM)
社会企业创新创业管理文学硕士 Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship an Innovation Management (SEIM)
健康及社会服务管理社会科学硕士 Master of Social Sciences in Health an Social Services Management (MHSM)
健康分析与管理理学硕士 Master of Science in Health Analytics an Management (HAM)
应用社会科学深造文凭Postgrauate Diploma in Applie Social Sciences (PGDASS)
城市与治理硕士 Master of Cities an Governance (MCG)
城市与治理(环境与可持续发展)硕士Master of Cities an Governance (Environment an Sustainability) (MCG-ES)
中国及区域研究文学硕士 Master of Arts in China an Regional Stuies (CRS)
智能安老及老年学理学硕士 Master of Science in Smart Ageing an Gerontology (SAG)
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