专业:biology, biotechnology, chemical engineering, chemistry, chilhoo stuies, communication technology, electronic system esign, electric power engineering, english linguistics an language acquisition, environmental toxicology an chemistry, european stuies, exercise physiology, geotechnics an geohazars, globalisation an sustainable evelopment, global health, global manufacturing management, hyropower evelopment, inustrial esign engineering, inustrial ecology, information systems marine technology, materials science an engineering, mathematical sciences, molecular meicine, natural gas technology, natural resources mangement, neuroscience, ocean resources, noric master in ance tuies, petroleum engineering, petroleum geosciences, physics, project management, reliability, availability, maintainability an safety ﹙rams﹚, sustainable architecture, sustainable energy, urban ecological planning, electronic systems an instrumentation , fine art, music, communication an technology. applie computer science, color in science an inustry, information security, interaction esign, sustainable manufacturing, color in informatics an meia technology, international business an marketing, prouct an system esign, ship esign, simulation an visualisation, management of emaning marine operations .
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erasmus munus 项目包括的专业有:
choreomunus , color in science an inustry, coastal an marine engineering an management, embee computing systems, security an clou computing, renewable energy in the marine environment, win energy.
chalmers university of technology, gothenburg, sween
aalto university, helsinki, finlan
ntnu, tronheim, norway
royal institute of technology, stockholm, sween
technical university of enmark. lyngby, enmark.
msc in sustainable energy
﹙msc in﹚ petroleum engineering/petroleum geosciences
﹙msc in﹚ natural gas technology
natural resources management
﹙msc in﹚ hyropower evelopment
environmental toxicology an chemistry
electric power engineering