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culture ifference//which countries


  1. E1: If you have unlimite funs an can travel to anywhere in the worl, where o you want to go an why?

E2: Without fun limitation, which country o you like to travel?

E3: 如果费用全部cover 你想带你的父母去哪里旅游 为什么?

E4: If you want to live in a country where speaks language you on't know, where will you choose an why?

  1. What's the famous estination you want to visit an why?

  2. E1: Where woul you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.

  3. E1: your frien offers you a job in another country, which country woul you choose, what job woul you choose an why?

E2: If you were scheule an interview for a new job in a country rather than your own, which country woul you choose an why?

E3: 去一个别的国家工作会选择去哪个国家?

  1. 你负责两个国家之间的一次文化交流活动,这两个国家必须是地理距离远的,问选择哪两个国家,为什么?


  1. E1: Imagine that you have the opportunity to learn how people live in ifferent countries. What country’s people might you choose to learn an why?

E2: 如果你有机会学习不同的文化,你想学哪个,为什么?

E3: Imagine that you coul fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year, what culture woul you choose an why?

  1. 你要通过什么学习别的国家的traition?


  1. E1:你认为是否需要考虑到不同文化的同学的感受(大致)

E2:Whether it is important for stuents to learn that people with ifferent culture have ifferent values with them?

E3: Imagine that you are aske whether or not you think it is important for stuents to learn that people from other cultures can have ifferent values. How might you approach your answer to that question?

E4: 你如何考虑whether or not stuents shoul learn 不同的文化 as early as possible设问也有点奇怪,how might you approach this problem

  1. 如果你只能选一个currency 作为 international currency,选什么 为什么

  2. Imagine you coul introuce a prouct unique to your part of the worl to another culture. What prouct woul you choose an what culture woul you introuce it to an why?

  3. If you are aske whether or not you coul help solve the problem of the worl, what will you respon?

  4. 说一个你最想解决的本国社会问题,为什么?你会怎么做?

  5. 你需要做一个作业解释经济危机对一个国家的影响乃至影响整个世界,你会用什么方法去完成这个作业,为什么?

  6. Humanity


    1. E1:是否我们有责任帮助穷人?为什么?

    E2:Imagine that you are aske whether or not you feel a responsibility to o something about the poor conitions that some people in the worl live uner. How might you approach your answer to that question?

    1. Do you think you are the citizen of the worl?


    1. E1:If you are presente with a business iea that profitable in your country but not in other countries, will you accept it an Why?

    E2: 如果有一个商业企划可以在你自己的国家很成功,make much profit in your own country,但是 insensitive in other culture, will you accept?

    1. 如果你有一个选择,可以短期获益,但是会在长期跟你的跨国贸易伙伴有摩擦冲突,你会选这个选择么,原因?


    1. 你要为一个小国家建造一个clean water project, 谁会在你的团队里面,why

    E1: 如果你有一笔资金用于onation 你会捐助到什么地方?为什么?

    E2: 如果你有一件东西想要onate给charity,你会选择捐什么?

    E3:如果让你成立一个组织去帮助别人,你会focus on 哪个领域

    E4:If you can run an organization an benefit some groups of people, who o you think will be benefite?

    E5: If you are a CEO of a great cooperation, which prouct/service you woul like to offer, why?Book

    1. E1: Imagine that you are preparing a business case for a project that woul make a positive impact on hunger or malnutrition in ifferent parts of the worl. How might you pitch this aspect of the project to a socially conscious stakeholer?

    E2: 你的公司开发出来一个新产品,有助于解决 hungry an malnutrition 这类的社会问题,你会怎么向有social consciousness 的企业家 pitch 这款产品?

    E3:如果你的项目有positive impact on poverty, what aspects woul you pitch an why

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