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约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(英文名:Johns Hopkins University,简称Hopkins、JHU)是美国一所闻名世界的私立大学,也是美国第一所研究型大学,同时还是北美学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的14所创始校之一。其成立于1876年,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学不仅拥有全球顶级的医学院、公共卫生学院、国际关系学院,其生物工程、空间科学、社会与人文科学,音乐艺术等领域的卓越成就也名扬世界。今天王老师带着大家聊一下全美第一的公共卫生学院的公共卫生专业--免疫学方向的详细信息。

布鲁伯格 公共卫生 学院(Bloomberg School of Public Health )成立于1916年,共有来自87个国家的2287名学生,开设6个硕士项目、3个博士项目、9+个联合学位项目、10个系别和60余个科研中心和研究所,另外还有博士后项目和培训实习项目,因此成为世界上规模最大的公共卫生学院,自1994年,一直被《美国新闻与世界报道》列为美国公共卫生学院前列。

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH)

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Human Nutrition, International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Systems, International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Social an Behavioral Interventions, International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Global Disease Epiemiology an Control, International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Policy, Health Policy an Management

Onsite | Full-Time | 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Eucation an Health Communication, Health, Behavior an Society

Onsite | Full-Time or Part-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Bachelor's/Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Eucation an Health Communication, Health, Behavior an Society

Onsite | Full-Time |

Bachelor's / Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), Population, Family an Reprouctive Health

Onsite | Full-Time |

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), Population, Family an Reprouctive Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 2 years

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 1.5 years - 2 years

Bachelor's / Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), International Health

Onsite | Full-Time |

Master of Arts an Master of Science in Public Health (MA/MSPH), International Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 3.5 years


Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Global Disease Epiemiology an Control

About This Program

The GDEC Program trains stuents to use epiemiologic an biostatistical methos to esign, implement an evaluate isease control interventions of public health importance to unerserve populations. Stuents have the opportunity to work with faculty at fiel sites across the worl, gaining hans-on experience in global health research an program implementation.

The program emphasizes biomeical interventions (e.g. therapeutic or prophylactic rugs, vaccines or environmental moifications).

Program Highlights

An interisciplinary egree rawing on expertise across the School an international collaborators, stuents acquire a broa unerstaning of the methos, skills, an tools neee to esign, conuct, an analyze community an clinical trials an laboratory-base investigations.


Each stuent is amitte into one of the four program areas approve for stuy leaing to the Master of Science in Public Health egree in International Health: Social an Behavioral Interventions, Global Disease Epiemiology an Control, Health Systems, or Human Nutrition.

An acaemic aviser is assigne from the list of Avising Faculty in the stuent's program area. The Program Coorinator provies general guiance an supervision over all stuents in each program area.








All require courses must be taken for a letter grae except for courses only offere for pass/fail.

Stuents may choose Epiemiology Option 3 with guiance an approval from their acaemic aviser AND the GDEC MSPH Acaemic Program Coorinators. Please review the guiance from the Epi Dept provie uring GDEC orientation to ecie which Epi course option best fits you.

The below courses are examples of require courses, for the most up-to-ate information an an accurate require course list please view our epartmental acaemic guie publishe August of each acaemic year.

Course List


Acaemic & Research Ethics at JHSPH


Special Stuies an Research Disease Control ( Iniviual Goals Analysis (IGA) (Register an select your avisor’s name)

Global Disease Epiemiology an Control Program Seminar 1

Global Disease Epiemiology an Control Program Seminar 2

Global Disease Epiemiology an Control Program Seminar 3

International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness

Epiemiology (Choose one series option)

Epiemiology - Series Option 1

Epiemiologic Inference in Public Health I

Epiemiologic Inference in Public Health II

Epiemiology - Series Option 2

Epiemiologic Inference in Public Health I


Public Health Surveillance

Epiemiology - Series Option 3

Epiemiologic Methos 1

Epiemiologic Methos 2


Statistical Methos in Public Health I

Statistical Methos in Public Health II

Statistical Methos in Public Health III

Statistical Methos in Public Health IV

International Health

Founations of International Health

Global Disease Control Programs an Policies

Infectious Disease (Choose one)

Infectious Diseases an Chil Survival

Clinical an Epiemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases

Applie Epiemiology/Ranomize Trials (Choose one)

Design an Conuct of Community Trials

Professional Epiemiology Methos

Goo Clinical Practice: A Vaccine Trials Perspective


Vaccine Policy Issues

Environmental Health

Environment an Health in Low an Mile income Countries


Management Sciences

Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low an Mile income Countries

Qualitative Methos (choose one of the below)

Qualitative Reasoning in Public Health

The Role of Qualitative Methos an Science in Describing an Assessing a Population's Health

Design an Implementations choose one of the below

Health Behavior Change At the Iniviual, Househol an Community Levels

Social an Behavioral Founations of Primary Health Care

Project Development for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries

Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Leaership an Interprofessional Practice

Builing Collaborations Across Sectors to Improve Population Health

Principles of Negotiation an Meiation for Public Health Professionals

Applications of Negotiation an Meiation for Public Health Professionals

YEAR 2 Requirements

Global Disease Epiemiology an Control Practicum (Stuents must complete a minimum of 28 creits of practicum )

Global Disease Epiemiology an Control Practicum (Stuents must complete a minimum of 28 creits of practicum )

Msph Capstone Global Disease Epiemiology an Control

Recommene Courses base on stuent feeback an topic areas

International Health an Diseases

Issues in the Reuction of Maternal an Neonatal Mortality in Low income Countries

Epiemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Epiemiology an Public Health Impact of HIV an AIDS

Epiemiology of Infectious Diseases

Concepts an Methos in Infectious Disease Epiemiology

Infectious Disease Dynamics: Theoretical an Computational Approaches

Chronic Disease

Chronic Diseases in Low an Mile income Countries: Prevalence an Epiemiology


Principles of Human Nutrition in Public Health

Nutrition Epiemiology

International Nutrition

Population/Program Evaluation

Measurement Methos in Humanitarian Emergencies

Large-scale Effectiveness Evaluations of Health Programs

Principles of Population Change

Demographic Methos for Public Health

Special Topics in Program Evaluation in International Health

Methos for Planning an Implementing Evaluations of Large-Scale Health Programs in Low an Mile income Countries

Research Ethics

Ethical Issues in Public Health


Special Topics in Vaccine Science

Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development

Data Management/Survey Design

Spatial Analysis I: ArcGIS

Introuction to Data Management

Spatial Analysis II: Spatial Data Technologies

Health Survey Research Methos

Application of Spatial Analysis Tools to Inform Decision-Making in Lmics

Issues in Survey Research Design

Introuction to the SAS Statistical Package

Epiemiology Methos

Epiemiologic Inference in Outbreak Investigations

Epiemiologic Methos 3

Pharmacoepiemiology Methos

Qualitative Methos

Qualitative Research Theory an Methos

Qualitative Data Analysis

Environmental Health

The Global Environment, Climate Change, an Public Health

Issues for Water an Sanitation in Tropical Environmental Health

Foo- an Water- Borne Diseases

Management Sciences

Quality Assurance Management Methos for Developing Countries

Funamentals of Bugeting an Financial Management

Introuction to the Risk Sciences an Public Policy

Public Health Practice

Pharmaceuticals Management for Uner-Serve Populations

Social an Behavioral Sciences

Introuction to Persuasive Communications: Theories an Practice

Health Literacy: Challenges an Strategies for Effective Communication

Implementation an Sustainability of Community-Base Health Programs

Crisis & Response

Crisis an Response in Public Health Policy an Practice


GPA3.0 托福100分 雅思7分




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