第一个:不要过分追求文字达到native speaker的水平
著名的升学指导专家 Ana Ivy (曾经在法学院做过amissionofficer),针对这一问题,她的看法是:
It's your application, so ultimately it's your call. But I can tell you, from my own experience as an amissions officer, that any essays that soun 'too perfect' from an ESL applicant willraise re flags, an then the amissions officer will come to oubt the authenticity of the rest of your material too.
You run the risk that they'll suspect your essays were written by someone else, or that the essays have been 'scrubbe' to the point where not even the content is your own. An that's a huge mark against you, so you are much better of submitting the writing in your own voice.
Noboy will hol against you that your English oesn't soun totally native. Authenticity is a big part of what makes application essays successful, so you've actually mae your essays worse by having them worke over by native speakers to get the English 'perfect.'
When you write your essays an “short takes” for the Common Application an Yale-specific questions, write about something that matters to you. Use your own voice. Do not worry about making a special effort to inclue impressive vocabulary wors or overly complex sentences. If you soun like yourself an iscuss something you care about, your essay will be more effective.
We know that no one can fit an entire life story into two brief essays, an we on’t expect you to try. Pick two topics that will give us an iea of who you are. It oesn’t matter which topics you choose, as long as they are meaningful to you. We have rea wonerful essays on common topics an weak essays on highly unusual ones. Your perspective – the lens through which you view your topic – is far more important than the specific topic itself. In the past, stuents have written about family situations, ethnicity or culture, school or community events to which they have ha strong reactions, people who have influence them, significant experiences, intellectual interests, personal aspirations, or – more generally – topics that spring from the life of the imagination.
Finally: proofrea, proofrea, proofrea! Share your essays with at least one or two people who know you well – such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or frien – an ask for feeback. Remember that you ultimately have control over your essays, an your essays shoul retain your own voice, but others may be able to catch mistakes that you misse an help suggest areas to cut if you are over the wor limit.