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为了帮助更多的金吉列学子顺利的赴美求学,我们公司与马里兰大学帕克分校史密斯商学院正式展开合作啦!另安排三场面试,详情请看原文~ 马里兰大学商学院(综排 61 ) ,提供了八个硕士课程,分别为: 金融硕士(全美排名第四) 计量金融硕士 会计硕士 工商管理硕士 信息系统硕士 商业分析硕士 市场分析硕士 以及 供应链管理硕士 , 这么激动人心的消息还不赶紧了解下?


自金吉列留学成立 19 周年以来,我们与海外院校一直保持着密切的合作,目前已经深入合作院校达两千多所。伴随着赴美留学的需求不断增多,特别是商科专业,所以我们也为金吉列的学子们提供了更多更广阔的平台。今天介绍的是马里兰大学帕克分校史密斯商学院, 2018 年 USNEWS 排名 61 名! 商学院排名 47 名!

学校介绍: 美国马里兰大学始建于 1856 年,位于美国马里兰州,距离首都华盛顿特区 13 公里,是马里兰大学系统的旗舰高等学府,亦是公认的美国最佳公立研究型大学之一,在《普林斯顿评论》和《企业家》杂志的综合排名中,马里兰大学名列第 10 名,素有公立常青藤之称,是美国中西部知名的十大联盟成员校之一。


       马里兰大学与中国的关系源远流长。早在 1915 年,就有来自中国的留学生陈纯钧在此求学。从那时起,马里兰大学一直积极地致力于推动建设性的中美关系: 20 世纪 40 到 60 年代,马里兰大学组织开展了大量极具影响力的学术论坛,推动了中国文化与价值理念的传播; 1972 年,马大科尔体育馆见证了载入史册的中美 “ 乒乓外交 ” ;中美建交后,马里兰州和安徽省最早提案建立友好姊妹省州。在这些友好关系的推动下,马里兰大学与中国的合作日益增多,相继设立了美华中心(现中国事务办公室)、世界上历史最悠久的孔子学院与马里兰国际孵化器等多个合作机构,并开展了为数众多的科研与学术交流活动。



  1. 金融硕士(全美排名第四)

  2. 计量金融硕士

  3. 会计硕士

  4. 工商管理硕士

  5. 信息系统硕士

  6. 商业分析硕士

  7. 市场分析硕士

  8. 供应链管理硕士


现在商学院的申请可谓是水涨船高,特别是名校,最不缺乏的就是优秀的人才,所以关于如何提高自身能力以及顺利申请上美国顶尖的商学院,需要同学们正确评估自身的条件,早日做好留学规划。那么在选校的过程中,学校的 综合排名 + 专业排名 + 地理位置 + 课程设置 + 未来就业 等因素就显得非常地重要,所以我们根据这些条件,看看史密斯商学院到底如何?


我们以商科中最热的 金融硕士 为例,详细了解此项目的课程设置以及未来就业:

The Master of Finance program will introuce you to some of the top mins in finance toay. Our faculty are consultants to large financial institutions, multinational corporations an government agencies. This rigorous curriculum will equip you for challenging an rewaring career options in finance. Obtain mastery in the latest tools in corporate finance, asset management, risk management an valuation. Participate in Center for Financial Policy events, get inustry-specific career coaching an receive excellent preparation for the CFA exam.


1 , 了解课程设置:

Core Courses

BUSI 640, Financial Management (2 creits)

BUFN740, Capital Markets (2 creits)

BUFN 750, Valuation in Corporate Finance (2 creits)

BUFN 758F, Financial Econometrics (4 creits)

BUFN 761, Derivative Securities (2 creits)


Elective Courses

In aition to the 12 creits of core finance courses , stuents will be able to take 18 creits of finance electives within a specific specializations. Please see the specializations an course escriptions below.

Corporate FinanceAsset ManagementBUFN 751: Financial Strategy for Corporations BUFN 752: Financial Restructuring BUFN 753: Corporate Governance BUFN 754: Corporate Risk Management BUFN 755: Entrepreneurial Finance an Private Equity BUFN 770: International Investment BUFN 771: International Corporate an Project Finance BUFN 758: Special Topics in Corporate Finance (4 creits)*BUFN 760: Applie Equity Analysis BUFN 762: Fixe Income BUFN 763: Portfolio Management BUFN 764: Quantitative Investment Strategies BUFN 766: Financial Engineering BUFN 773: Institutional Asset Management BUFN 758: Introuction to Market Microstructure* BUFN 758: Special Topics in Asset Management (4 creits)*Risk ManagementGeneral FinanceBUFN 751: Financial Strategy for Corporations BUFN 754: Corporate Risk Management BUFN 762: Fixe Income BUFN 763: Portfolio Management BUFN 765: Fixe Income Derivatives BUFN 772: Bank Management BUFN 758: Introuction to Market Microstructure* BUFN 758: Special Topics in Risk Management (4 creits)*BUFN 751: Financial Strategy for Corporations BUFN 752: Financial Restructuring BUFN 754: Corporate Risk Management BUFN 760: Applie Equity Analysis BUFN 762: Fixe Income BUFN 763: Portfolio Management BUFN 773: Institutional Asset Management BUFN 758: Current Topics in Finance (4 creits)**New Course

2, 那么申请的条件是什么呢?

The following are require to be consiere for amission into the program:

Ø Equivalent of US Bachelor’s Degree

Ø Sufficient Quantitative Backgroun (Exposure to linear algebra an avance statistics is highly recommene)


Ø Transcript(s)

Ø Letter of Recommenation

Ø Professional Resume

Ø Essay

Ø Vieo Response

Ø TOEFL or IELTS (if you o not have a 4 year or avance egree from a country where English is the official language) 

TOEFL : 100 ( Speaking22 , Listening24 , Reaing26 , Writing24 )

IELTS : 7 ( S peaking6.5 , Listening7 , Reaing7 , Writing7 )


可以看出史密斯商学院的金融项目除了高标准的语言成绩,还有就是非常注重学生的数理背景,所以建议同学们在本科期间,好好规划自己的考试,特别是数学和统计相关学科。那么如果你是转专业,没有很深的数理课程怎么办?不用担心,建议你们咨询专业的留学老师,根据你的情况应该如何做出针对性弥补 ~


3 ,接下来我们关注一下史密斯商学院的金融硕士就业情况:

Our finance masters program alumni are working at globally recognize employers, incluing:

Agricultural Bank of China Barclays BMW Creit BNY Mellon Bureau of Labor Statistics Calvert Founation Capital One CITIC Securities CNOOC Cushman Wakefiel DBS Bank Deloitte China Deloitte US E-Trae Eniware DC EY  Fannie MaeFitch Ratings For Motor Creit Company GE Capital GE Lighting Grant Thornton Hilton Worlwie HSBC China HSBC New York International Finance Corp. International Monetary Fun Janney Montgomery JP Morgan KPMG Merrill Lynch Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group AmericasMorgan Stanley Nomura Securities PBGC Ping An Trust Promontory Capital PWC China PWC US Raian Mortgage Insurance State Gri International Development Company Ullico Insurance Unilever Walmart Worl Bank Group


CFA 考试是国际通行的金融投资从业者专业资格认证。考过后的证书是美国以及全世界公认金融证券业最高认证书,也是全美重量级财务金融机构的分析从业人员必备证书。

5 , 那么学习此项目的学生未来就业的去向是什么领域呢?

Percentage of Employers Planning to Recruit MFIN Caniates by Inustry

Ø 36% Consulting

Ø 51% Finance/Accounting

Ø 30% Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals

Ø 47% Technology

Ø 26% Manufacturing

Ø 45% Proucts an Services


6 ,薪资也是很多同学会关注的问题:


MFIN caniates can expect to see a meian starting salary of $75,000

Range = $60k-$90k


Career Services for Master of Finance Stuents

Ø Business Communications course specially esigne for finance majors

Ø University-facilitate practical training externships with some of the following companies: Capital One, Citibank, Danaher Corporation, Raian, the SEC, the Worl Bank

Ø Global Equity Fun–a $500K stuent-run equity fun that prepares stuents for careers in Asset Management

Ø Employer Information Sessions an On-Campus Recruiting

Ø One-on-one Resume Reviews, Mock Interviews, an Career Coaching

Ø Group Coaching on inustry topics, incluing “Demystifying IB Job Descriptions,” an many more

Ø Workshops on Networking, Cover Letters, Interviewing

Ø Alumni Career Panel Discussions an networking opportunities for finance majors

Ø CFA Research Challenge participation

Ø Technology Resources such as Blooomberg, S&P IQ, HireSmith (for job postings), an InterviewStream



项目: 8

学生人数: 547

平均年龄: 24

本科平均 GPA : 3.40

平均 GMAT : 672

平均 GRE : 318

来自国家: 28

女生占比: 57%


PS :同学们赶紧通过这组数据来评估自己被录取的概率吧 ~


9, 除了史密斯商学院的金融项目,其他专业又如何呢?


啥也不说,先看就业,读商科不就为了光明的未来么 ~


薪资呢,怎么会错过 ~


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